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  1. Strata Master Top Tip #122 - Owner Delivery Method Wizard

    Strata Master Top Tip #122 - Owner Delivery Method Wizard You may have multiple linked lots and want to update your delivery methods. The owner delivery method wizard is the quickest way to update delivery methods for levies, notices, and correspon...
  2. Strata Master Top Tip #121 - Miscellaneous Invoice Reprinting

    Strata Master Top Tip #121 - Miscellaneous Invoice Reprinting When charging a miscellaneous invoice to a lot, you may opt to reprint so you don’t forget to issue the invoice and you may also keep a copy for your future reference. Check out th...
  3. Strata Master Top Tip #120 - Multiple Receipting

    Strata Master Top Tip #120 - Multiple Receipting While you may be familiar with the single receipting method, it can cause data errors if you’re using it in a bulk lot payment. Check out the video on how you can easily use the multiple receip...
  4. Strata Master Top Tip #119 - Building Managers as a Contact

    Strata Master Top Tip #119 - Building Managers as a Contact Allow your building manager to have access to your online portal, include them in bulk emails and SMS, and set them as a default contact person. Check out how to create contacts for your b...
  5. Strata Master Top Tip #118 - Unidentified Receipt

    Strata Master Top Tip #118 - Unidentified Receipt During your bank reconciliation, you may come across some unidentified deposits, and you may have a hard time identifying the payers. These payments can also often be a levy payment, insurance recov...
  6. Strata Master Top Tip #117 - Email Remittance of Management Fees

    Strata Master Top Tip #117 - Email Remittance of Management Fees Once you’re done with your payment processes, you can now easily send out a summary of your management fee remittances directly to your nominated email address in just a few cli...
  7. Strata Master Top Tip #116 - View Direct Debit Enabled Lots

    Strata Master Top Tip #116 - View Direct Debit Enabled Lots Strata Master makes it easy for you to view which lots have registered for Direct Debit, whether you’re checking on a single plan or within your whole portfolio so you can process di...
  8. Strata Master Top Tip #115 - Direct Debit Setup

    Strata Master Top Tip #115 - Direct Debit Setup If you’ve upgraded to Strata Master Version 14, you can now provide your owners with a convenient payment facility via Macquarie Direct Debit. This integration also helps you reduce arrears as p...
  9. Strata Master Top Tip #114 - Unpaid invoice from last financial year

    Strata Master Top Tip #114 - Unpaid invoice from last financial year While you cannot pay an invoice incurred in the last financial year without changing the transaction date to the current financial year, you can always use the Approve Creditor In...
  10. Strata Master Top Tip #113 - Correct Display Settings

    Strata Master Top Tip #113 - Correct Display Settings You may come across a situation where you have been printing notices perfectly, but after a Windows upgrade or changes to your workstation, notices print over multiple pages or the custom header...