How to Set Up Web Advertising in Rest Professional


The Rest Professional Web Advertising Module allows you to automatically upload the rental or sales property advertising details, photographs, floor plans and virtual tour links to any participating Internet Real Estate advertising portal. The data is transferred between locations via XML formatted files.

Note: You must first contact the advertising service to organise the bulk upload even if you already have accounts with the services. They need to be advised that a feed will now come from Rest Professional.

This document will cover:

  • How to Configure Web Adverts in Company Details
  • How to Set Up Advertising against the Property Card
  • How to Create a Web Upload

How to Configure Web Adverts in Company Details

  1. Go to Other > Utilities > Company Details > Advertising
  2. Click on Configure/ View

  1. Click on Add and this will now allow you to enter all the relevant services you require to set up

  1. Enter the relevant information into the fields for the Web Advertising Configuration:-
  • Service – Add the name of the service as advised by the Service Provider
  • Agent ID – This is the agent ID/number given as advised by the Service Provider
  • Login Name – Enter the Login Name as advised by the Service Provider
  • Login Password – Enter the password as advised by the Service Provider
  • FTP Address – Enter the FTP Address as advised by the Service Provider
  • Export Format – Enter the Export Format (commonly as advised by your Service Provider

NOTE: and do not require a login name or password as a generic Rockend Login name and password is used

  1. Click OK-F12 to save
  2. Repeat for as many Web Services you need to configure. NOTE: Some services will require you to phone Rockend Support to help you with the configuration

How to Set Up the Advertising Contact in User Details

  1. Go to Files > User Details
  2. Click on Search-F7 and select the User Name
  3. Go to the User Profile tab
  4. The Web Advertising Contact checkbox is used to identify the user as an advertising contact. When you have set up a user as an advertising contact, you can then select that user to the property.
  5. When is set up as a web advertising service the Domain Contact ID field displays. Enter the Contact ID of the user if they are an advertising contact for a property. The ID is uploaded along with the property information to
  6. Click OK-F12 to save.

How to Set Up Advertising Against the Property Card

The property details scree holds the advertising contact, all photo’s floors plans details etc. If the advertising is active for the property there will be an advert ID up the top right of the screen. To setup advertising details of the property:-

  1. Go to Files > Property
  2. Click on the Advert tab. Complete the details as required on the all the tabs. NOTE: It is important that you include photos as these will not upload to some websites without photo’s accompanying them. If you wish to change the order of the images in which they display on the websites. Click on the image you wish to move and drag and drop as necessary.
  3. If you include virtual tours in your advertising, while on the Advert tab, go to the General side tab, then click the Link type drop down options and select 'Virtual Tour'. This ensures virtual tours upload to any site using the REA format xml. If you do not use virtual tours, skip this step
  4. On the Advertise Tab ensure advertise is ticked
  5. Select the advertising services to which you wish to upload to
  6. Click OK-F12 to save the property details

  1. Repeat this process for each property you wish to have advertised.

You may wish to check the advertising details before you upload, you can preview this through Files > Web Advertising and click on either rent report or sales report.

You can also access this information through Reports > Property > Advertised Report. Check the option to print properties not yet uploaded and preview the report.

How to Create a Web Upload

The Web Advertising Upload sends the new, changed and deleted advertisements to the Internet advertising services. An XML file is created and transmitted via the FTP to the site of the services specified in the advertising configuration in Company Details.

  1. Go to Files > Web Advertising
  2. Check that the properties displayed are correct NOTE: A red cross will show against the property that needs to be uploaded, modified or withdrawn
  3. Click Upload-F12 to upload the properties.

How to Remove Leased/Withdrawn Properties from Rest

Receipting a holding deposit or rent receipt to a tenant attached to the property will automatically cancel the web upload if this is set up in your system options. You can check this by going to Other > Utilities > System Options and click on the Other tab. Ensure the tick box “Cancel web ad upon deposit/rent receipt” is selected. The next time you do a web upload any properties that have taken a deposit/rent receipt (without a vacate date) will automatically be removed.

To manually withdraw/remove the ad:

  1. Go to Files > Property > Advert and click on the Advertise Tab
  2. Deselect the Advertise checkbox
  3. Click OK-F12 to save the property details
  4. Run a web upload, go to Files > Web Advertising > Upload
  5. Click on Upload-F12

The property will be listed as Withdrawn or Leased (depending on whether you were able to secure a tenant for the property) and will feed the information through to the selected websites to remove the property.

04/07/2024 10:37 am AEST

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