

Add a Non-Lot-Owner as a Committee Member in Strata Master
Add a Non-Lot-Owner as a Committee Member in Strata Master Although Committee members are generally drawn from Lot Owners, under some Legislation, people other than Lot Owners are to be represented on Committees. They can be added to the Committee...
Add an Account to Chart of Accounts in Strata Master
Add an Account to Chart of Accounts in Strata Master The Chart of Accounts in your data commences with a standard set of accounts which includes accounts which are - hard wired to receive or send information to other accounts hard wired to sen...
Adding a Dummy Plan to Test Owner Portals in Strata Master
Adding a Dummy Plan to Test Owner Portals in Strata Master This article is create simply to provide an option to Strata Managers who wish to be able to check that Owner Portals are accessible and to review how data is being represented. The provis...
Brief Steps to Add a New Plan or Owners Corporation
Basic Steps to Setting Up a New Plan or Owners Corporation This article will assist with the overview of details that need to be entered and the order in which to enter them. The order of entry is important to the efficient and fault free functioni...
Add an Additional Debtor in Strata Master
Add an Additional Debtor in Strata Master The additional debtor function makes it easier to charge an entity that regularly owes the owners corporation money for something – like advertising space or a telecom tower. It can be used for charging n...
Locating an Un-Managed Plan or Part Entered Plan in Strata Master
Locating an Un-Managed Plan or Part Entered Plan in Strata Master This article will assist when - you have commenced creating a new plan, but have not yet entered the management commenced date. you have a plan returning management to your agency...
Add an Additional Address to a Strata Plan in Strata Master
Add an Additional Address to a Strata Plan in Strata Master A Strata Plan or Building (referred to as Plan in this article) may have some properties located on roads that are not the main address of the Plan. When Levy Notices are sent, they would ...
Add an Associated Lot to a Lot in Strata Master
Add an Associated Lot to a Lot in Strata Master Summary Where an owner has multiple lots in a plan you are able to associate the lots to each other for reporting purposes. Associated lots can arise where there are storerooms and car spac...