Report Header is Printing over the Logo in Strata Master

For the set up of a Logo refer this article - Strata Master Custom Headers (Logos)

An excerpt from the article is below.

An example of an Overlap

The Causes and Resolution of the Overlap

  1. The logo is of an incorrect size, in that the area coloured black/yellow needs to be kept free for the report headers.  . Refer to the article linked above for the correct sizing of the logo.
  2.  The Name of the Report is Very Long and exceeds the 766 pixels allowed for this purpose, as in the example above. Go to Configure > Terminology and shorten the report name in the Local term field.


The logo needs to be created, be the correct size, and provide 766 x 116 pixels allowance for report headers.

The header name needs to fit within the 766 pixels allowance.

Should you review the above points and still have an overlap, please log a case with Strata Master Support.

17/02/2025 11:43 am AEDT

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