New Articles

  1. Understanding Manager Name on Levy and Remittance Emails in Strata Master

    Understanding Manager Name on Levy & Remittance Emails from Strata Master Summary Email Templates have insert fields for the name of the Strata Plan Manager. These insert fields may pull the name from different locations, potentially s...
  2. Search a Report of Transaction Changes Made in Strata Master

    Search a Report of Transaction Changes Made in Strata Master Summary Learn how to locate a record of transaction changes in Strata Master. The record will show transactions edited after processing along with date and time of the change being mad...
  3. Work Order Comment for 1 Plan in Strata Master

    Work Order Comment for 1 Plan in Strata Master Summary Learn how to add a work order comment for only one plan in Strata Master. This article will take you through the set up which consists of - 1. Entering the Compliance Register Type 2....
  4. Edit a Quantity Management Fee Detail in Strata Master

    Edit a Quantity Management Fee Detail in Strata Master Summary When the charging of Quantity Management Fees is for a particular Lot or purpose, it is possible to add that detail to the fee and review that information in the Management...
  5. Add an Associated Lot to a Lot in Strata Master

    Add an Associated Lot to a Lot in Strata Master Summary Where an owner has multiple lots in a plan you are able to associate the lots to each other for reporting purposes. Associated lots can arise where there are storerooms and car spac...
  6. Reversing a Transfer Money Between Funds Transaction in Strata Master

    Reversing a Transfer Money Between Funds Transaction in Strata Master Summary Funds can be transferred from Admin to Capital Works, or from Capital Works to Admin in the Transfer Money Between Funds screen. If you make the transfer accidentally,...
  7. Change an Agent on a Lot in Strata Master

    Change an Agent on a Lot in Strata Master Summary Learn how to change the Agent recorded on a Lot, from one Agent to another Agent. Note : It is important to not 'swap' the Agents. Doing so may prevent purging of the Agent card at a...
  8. Edit a Budget in Strata Master

    Edit a Budget in Strata Master Summary You may be required to edit an existing budget.  Learn how to add or remove accounts and change budget figures. This article will also provide information on editing dates. Topics covered in this arti...
  9. Entering Accrued Interest in Opening Balances in Strata Master

    Entering Accrued Interest in Opening Balances in Strata Master Summary Prior management reports may contain Accrued Interest Balances on Lots. Where these figures are not yet charged to the Lots, and therefore showing on Balance Sheet or I&E rep...
  10. Entering Creditor Invoices In Opening Balances in Strata Master

    Entering Creditor Invoices In Opening Balances in Strata Master Summary Prior management reports may contain Balance Sheet Liability for Creditor Invoices that are still outstanding and require payment. Learn how to enter these invoice...