Merge Duplicate Agent Contact Cards in Strata Master Summary Agent contact cards are linked to Lots where there is an Agent managing a tenant in the property. Learn to merge contact cards in particular agent contact cards. This article covers...
Generating a Lot Owner Ledger in Strata Master Summary Lot Owner Ledgers detail the levies posted, fees charged, receipts and more on a Lot. Learn how to generate a Lot owner ledger to examine the transactions processed on a specific Lot. Over...
Strata Master Version 15.5.5 Release Notes In this release Debt Recovery Notices Adjustments have been made to the reminder notice and debt recovery templates to include a merge field which displays the daily interest amount. This has been app...
Deregistering a GST Registered Plan in Strata Master Summary Learn how to change the GST status of a Strata Plan when there are already transactions entered under a date which would be classified as a different GST status. For example, if levies...
Understanding Dating of Receipts In Strata Master Summary Learn when and how a receipt can be backdated without adversely affecting reports or audits. This article covers - The Repercussions of Backdating Receipts The Warning Message in R...
Compare Available Funds Figure And Bank Statement Cash in Strata Master Summary Learn the difference between the available cash figure on the Corp > General tab and the cash at bank figure on the Balance Sheet. The Cash at Bank figure on the ...
Edit an Agent Contact Card in Strata Master Summary When a Lot Owner has an Agent managing their Lot, the details of the Agent appears on the Lot Owner Card. Learn how to edit these Agent details when they need updating. Note - the edit is no...
Strata Master Version 15.5.4 Release Notes In this release Invoice Finance - Strata Master Connect Strata Master Connect users will now have the ability to use the new Invoice Finance feature. When enabled, Contractors within the Strata Master Co...
Generate a List of Receipts in Strata Master
There are a few screens or reports that will provide lists of receipts and the right reports would depend on the information you do have at hand. The options are -
Generating an Arrears Report in Strata Master Summary Learn to generate an arrears report. Generating an arrears report is part of the Debt Management process within the agency, and alerts to the need for -
issuing statements,
issuing a...