Removing Semicolons Between Email Addresses in Strata Master


It was once a normal practice to separate email addresses with a semicolon in an email field. Learn why the practice of using semicolons is no longer recommended in Strata Master and the alternative recording method of multiple email addresses.


Entering multiple email addresses in an email field and separating with a semicolon is not supported by Strata Master.  This practice is no longer acceptable to many email services and other platforms so it is expected that error messages may be generated, and/or emails will not be recognised and therefore not sent by the email provider. Note that this can also result in the Levy Notice copy not saving.

The Various Results Generated a Levy Notice With Email Semicolons

Where an email field contains 2 emails separated by a semicolon, Levy Notices pushed through to Outlook show irregular results. The results vary as programs external to Strata Master are involved.

  • The second listed email not being recognised.
  • In some cases the first listed email not being recognised in addition to the second listed email address.
  • Error messages may or may not generate.
  • Notices or documents may or may not save to document management.

Similar effects can occur when emailing any document or message where email addresses are separated by a semicolon.

When An Error Message Generates

An error message can generate referring to a log file. The usual location of a log regarding this error shows in Strata$ >Logs > sm (dayofweek).log. An example is shown -


In this case 2 Lots were issued Levy Notices. Both had 2 email addresses in the email field, separated by a semicolon. 1 had a space after the semicolon. The only Fee Notice that was received successfully was the email address prior to the semicolon with no gap after the semicolon before another email address. This indicates that even 1 email address followed by a semicolon and then  blank space may not perform successfully.

The Resolution

Due to the irregular results, Strata Master Support is limited to being able to assist by pointing you to checking the log file as above and the resolution, as below.

The resolution to this issue is to remove all semicolons from email fields. If a separate email is required to be recorded, use additional contacts.

Checking of your Outlook Sent box will identify email addresses that are not listed when compared to a Quick report lot list and the saved documents.

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Adding additional contacts

09/08/2024 1:41 pm AEST

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