Bank Platforms Compatible with BPAY in Rest Professional
In Rest Professional you now have the ability to pay your creditors in bulk using the payment method BPAY.
Rest creates a BPAY file not unlike the ABA file (for EFT Payments) which can then be imported into your banking software.
Banks and Bank Platforms Supported
Paying creditors by BPAY feature is only available through selected Banks and platforms as follows:
Bank | Platform |
MBL - Macquarie Bank | |
CBA - Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Bankwest Bank is also under Commonwealth Bank Configuration) |
ANZ - Australia and New Zealand Bank |
NAB - National Australia Bank |
WBC - Westpac Banking Corporation (St George Bank is also under Westpac Bank Configuration) |
St George Bank Changes made by St George Bank in May 2020 have now ceased the ability to import Bulk BPay files. Please contact St George Bank directly for further information. |
We recommend that you contact your bank if you have any queries regarding the set up or details of importing the BPAY file into the banking software.
For set up of the BPAY feature in Rest Professional, please see the document "Bulk BPAY Setup and Use"