Strata Master Top Tips

This page lists all of the Top Tips created to help you get more out of your STRATA Master software.


 STRATA Master Top Tip #1 - Quickly Email All Owners in a Building
The first tip aims to show you how to quickly email all owners in a building - an easy to use piece of functionality that all Strata Managers should be making use of.
 STRATA Master Top Tip #2-5 - Mail-Merge Mastery
This ongoing series of tips aims to show how to send personalised bulk mailouts to the owners and residents of a property, using information saved in STRATA Master and linking it to Microsoft Word
 STRATA Master Top Tip #6 - Group Tasks Using a Diary Record
This tip shows a better way to manage major works projects using the Owners Corp diary
 STRATA Master Top Tip #7 - Rebalance a Balance Sheet
This tip shows how to quickly fix a Balance Sheet where the Net Owners Funds and the Net Assets are not balanced.
 STRATA Master Top Tip #8-9 - Managing Legislative Compliance
These tips show how you can manage new legislation requirements across your portfolio, using a combination of the compliance register, the register wizard, and the reminders function.
 STRATA Master Top Tip #10 - Bulk Closing Work Orders
This tip covers how to close diaries, work orders and quotes in bulk, instead of one at a time.
 STRATA Master Top Tip #11 - Automatic Reminders
This tip shows how to set up and use the automatic reminders in STRATA Master
 STRATA Master Top Tip #12 - STRATA Mobile
STRATA Mobile  Ever wanted to have access to the information in STRATA Master while you're on the road? With STRATA Mobile for iPhone or Android , you'll never be caught without a building's address or a client's phone number ever again. Watch ...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #13 - Recording By-Law Breaches in the Lot Owner Diary
Use the Lot Owner Diary to record by-law breaches
 STRATA Master Top Tip #14 - Quick Work Orders
Quick Work Orders Not every maintenance job requires quotes, or is part of a larger project. Sometimes there's just something that requires fixing - FAST! For quick jobs, you don't have to use the diary to send a work order, watch the video below ...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #15 - The User Diary
How to use the User Diary to manage your portfolio, or assign tasks to other users.
 STRATA Master Top Tip #16 - The Asset Register
How to use STRATA Master's Asset Register to keep track of capital expenses over the life of a property
 Strata Master Top Tip #109 - Auto-hold all invoice payments
Strata Master Top Tip #109 - Auto-hold all invoice payments Sometimes a plan can’t afford to pay some of its invoices temporarily. In this situation, you want to ensure the most important invoices get paid first, while avoiding having to mark all i...
 Strata Master Top Tip #110 - Extended Owner Ledger
Strata Master Top Tip #110 - Extended Owner Ledger In this top tip, learn how to generate an extended owner ledger in Strata Master so you can investigate old levy items or receipts easily. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #112 - Detailed and brief financial statements
Strata Master Top Tip #112 - Detailed and brief financial statements Learn how to generate both detailed and brief financial statements in Strata Master to serve the different needs of various stakeholders in the strata scheme. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #113 - Correct Display Settings
Strata Master Top Tip #113 - Correct Display Settings You may come across a situation where you have been printing notices perfectly, but after a Windows upgrade or changes to your workstation, notices print over multiple pages or the custom header...
 Strata Master Top Tip #114 - Unpaid invoice from last financial year
Strata Master Top Tip #114 - Unpaid invoice from last financial year While you cannot pay an invoice incurred in the last financial year without changing the transaction date to the current financial year, you can always use the Approve Creditor In...
 Strata Master Top Tip #115 - Direct Debit Setup
Strata Master Top Tip #115 - Direct Debit Setup If you’ve upgraded to Strata Master Version 14, you can now provide your owners with a convenient payment facility via Macquarie Direct Debit. This integration also helps you reduce arrears as payers ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #116 - View Direct Debit Enabled Lots
Strata Master Top Tip #116 - View Direct Debit Enabled Lots Strata Master makes it easy for you to view which lots have registered for Direct Debit, whether you’re checking on a single plan or within your whole portfolio so you can process direct d...
 Strata Master Top Tip #117 - Email Remittance of Management Fees
Strata Master Top Tip #117 - Email Remittance of Management Fees Once you’re done with your payment processes, you can now easily send out a summary of your management fee remittances directly to your nominated email address in just a few clicks. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #118 - Unidentified Receipt
Strata Master Top Tip #118 - Unidentified Receipt During your bank reconciliation, you may come across some unidentified deposits, and you may have a hard time identifying the payers. These payments can also often be a levy payment, insurance recov...
 Strata Master Top Tip #119 - Building Managers as a Contact
Strata Master Top Tip #119 - Building Managers as a Contact Allow your building manager to have access to your online portal, include them in bulk emails and SMS, and set them as a default contact person. Check out how to create contacts for your b...
 Strata Master Top Tip #120 - Multiple Receipting
Strata Master Top Tip #120 - Multiple Receipting While you may be familiar with the single receipting method, it can cause data errors if you’re using it in a bulk lot payment. Check out the video on how you can easily use the multiple receipting m...
 Strata Master Top Tip #121 - Miscellaneous Invoice Reprinting
Strata Master Top Tip #121 - Miscellaneous Invoice Reprinting When charging a miscellaneous invoice to a lot, you may opt to reprint so you don’t forget to issue the invoice and you may also keep a copy for your future reference. Check out the vide...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #17 - Managing Tradespeople
How to set up tradespeople preferences for the plans in your portfolio
 Strata Master Top Tip #111 - Multiple General Ledgers
Strata Master Top Tip #111 - Multiple General Ledgers Using the General Ledger reports functionality, you’ll be able to select multiple accounts you’d like to include in a single report – making it easier for you to review the transactions recorded...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #18 - Repairs & Maintenance Preferences
How to set up plan specific preferences for repairs and maintenance cost limits and default access contacts.
 STRATA Master Top Tip #19 - Debt Recovery Exclusions
How to set an individual or an entire property as excluded from the debt recovery system
 STRATA Master Top Tip #20 - Change Manager Wizard
How to use the Change Manager Wizard to assign properties in bulk to a new manager
 STRATA Master Top Tip #21 - Privacy & Portals
Portals & Privacy Acts This tip deals with changes to Australian Privacy Laws, and one way you can avoid a potential breach when sending out web access notifications to your customers. Download the updated templates here ...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #22 - Quick Reports
How to get the most out of Quick Reports
 STRATA Master Top Tip #23 - Quantity Management Fees
Quantity Management Fees Learn how to use Quantity Management Fees to record charges for items on a per item basis. Perfect for charging for photocopies, mail-outs, even insurance claims and work orders.  ...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #24 - Delegated Functions Report
Delegated Functions Report The delegated functions report gives a complete breakdown of all tasks completed by your agency - learn how to use it by viewing Tip #24! This report was designed to be compliant with Section 55 of the STRATA Schemes Man...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #25 - fileSMART Multiple Invoice Dissections
Multiple Invoice Dissections using fileSMART Creditor Invoicing It's possible to have a single invoice broken down into multiple expense accounts, even when you're using fileSMART Creditor Invoicing (FSCI). Find out how in Top Tip #25. For ...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #26 - Online Voting Setup
Online Voting Setup Save time on your General Meetings by giving your customers the opportunity to vote online, before the meeting even takes place! To find out how to set up STRATA Master and your Owner/Committee Portals to use this great feature,...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #27 - Using Online Voting
Using Online Voting Save time on your General Meetings by giving your customers the opportunity to vote online, before the meeting even takes place! To find out how to use Online Voting, and how the votes will be recorded and displayed, view the vi...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #28 - How to Vote Online
How to Vote Online Find out what your lot owners will have to do to use online voting - you could even send them the youtube link so they'll know exactly what to do. If you're not sure if online voting is permitted by your legislation, we've compi...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #29 - Audit Trail Report
Audit Trail Report The Audit Trail Report allows you to find what changes have been made to the data in your STRATA Master database. Find out what information can be displayed and how to find it by watching the tip below. ...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #30 - Linked Insurance Claims
Linked Insurance Claims Insurance Claims can be messy to stay on top of. To make it easier to see which claims have to do with which work orders and quotes, watch the tip below and learn how to link insurance claims to repairs and maintenance items...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #31 - Diary Search
The Diary Search Function Most Strata Plans will have a lot going on in their diaries. But it doesn't have to be hard to find a particular diary entry - use some simple tips and a often-overlooked search function to find the diary entry you're look...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #32 - Communication Wizard Overhaul
Communication Wizard Overhaul Our very first tip told you how to use the Communication Wizard to email all owners in a plan, and we heard it was so useful that we decided to make it even better!  Check out the latest changes to the Bulk Email Wiza...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #33 - FSCI Multiple Dissection Notes
Multiple Dissection Notes for fileSMART Creditor Invoicing  To make processing invoices relating to multiple expense accounts easier through fileSMART Creditor Invoicing (FSCI), we've added the ability to enter notes in fileSMART detailing the diss...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #34 - Hide Email Addresses on the Strata Roll
Hide Email Addresses on the Strata Roll For those Strata Plans that take their privacy seriously, you can give them piece of mind by choosing to hide their email addresses when the Strata Roll is produced.  For more information on updates t...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #35 - Payment Details on Status Certificates
Payment Details on Status Certificates When a property is being sold, make things easier on everyone by including the levy payment details on the Status Certificate template.  This will also assist with legislative compliance for Victorian legisla...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #36 - Identifying Valid Tenancies
Identifying Valid Tenancies Learn how to find which lots are actively tenanted in a building using STRATA Master.   Not only will this allow you to easily communicate with tenants, it will also allow you to quickly see which buildings have more t...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #37 - Negative Reminders
Negative Reminders Learn how to create reminders that trigger after the due date, rather than before the due date using STRATA Master.   This is particularly useful for the many users who don't set due dates on their diaries, quotes and work orde...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #38 - Reject Receipts
Rejecting Automatic Levy Receipts Learn how to stop an owner or plan from having its deposits allocated automatically from the bank download in STRATA Master.   This is useful when you want to avoid paying specific receipts, like when an owner is...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #39 - Pop-up Message on Receipts
Pop-up Messages on Manual Levy Receipts Learn how to add a popup reminder message to manual receipts in STRATA Master.   This means that you don't have to worry about remembering why you are manually receipting; even if the deposit comes through mo...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #40 - Update Preferred Tradesmen
Update Preferred Tradesmen via Creditor Invoice Learn how to easily update preferred tradesmen for your lots in STRATA Master.   Save time with this simple trick, which allows you to add preferred tradesmen to buildings as you go rather than enteri...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #41 - Bank Details on Insurance Claims
Display Bank Details on Insurance Claims Learn how to add bank details to insurance claims generated in STRATA Master.   With just 1 click you no longer have to go to the trouble of sending your bank details separately to get the claim paid out. ...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #42 - The User Voice
Strata Master User Voice Learn how to make a view product improvement suggestions in User Voice! ...
 STRATA Master Top Tip #43 - Bulk Approve Invoices on Hold
Bulk Approve On-Hold Creditor Invoices Learn the most efficient way to approve Creditor Invoices that are on hold. The approve invoices function lets you approve invoices in bulk, by plan or by creditor. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #44 - Import/Export Portfolio Data
Exporting & Importing Static Portfolio Data When a plan is lost or gained, you can make the transition easier by processing an imported file containing the property's static data.   ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #45 - Find Creditors in Quick Reports
Finding Creditors using Quick Reports When you're looking for a particular type of tradesman to work on a plan, use this process to find one familiar with the property.   ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #46 - Plan with Multiple Addresses
Managing Plans with Multiple Addresses  This tip covers how you can set up a plan that has multiple street addresses, from large developments to properties on corner blocks, and how the system can help you manage them easily.   ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #47 - Add Levy Messages
Additional Levy Messages Send a levy notice or invoice with a customised message from the business automatically by watching this top tip!  ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #48 - Add Company Nominee
Add Company Nominee Learn how to add a company nominee to a lot in Strata Master.  Not only is this necessary for your meetings, we'll also show you how to have the nominee appear on your meeting reports, so when you're in a meeting you can be sur...
 Strata Master Top Tip #49 - Checking Insurance Coverage
Checking Insurance Coverage Learn how to quickly check that all your buildings have insurance policies that cover their valuation in Strata Master.  This is a quick and easy way to find plans that need their insurance policies updated so that if s...
 Strata Master Top Tip #50 - Additional Contacts
Additional Contacts This week, learn how to correctly add multiple email addresses to a single contact in Strata Master.  This is a quick and easy way to make sure you’re getting the right emails to the right people -including the all-important bu...
 Strata Master Top Tip #51 - Showing Repairs on Portals
Show Repairs on Portals This week, learn how to correctly show repairs on the portals in Strata Master.  You’ll reduce the number of calls and emails you receive asking when repairs will be completed by empowering your customers to login and view ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #52 - Duplicate Invoice Checking
Checking for Duplicate Creditor Invoices This week, learn how to reduce unnecessary duplicate invoice checks in Strata Master.   By configuring Strata Master to check the invoice number you’ll only get notified when an invoice is definitely a dupl...
 Strata Master Top Tip #53 - Simplify Owners' Reports
Simplify Owners' Reports This week, learn how to generate an accounts breakdown that's easier to understand for owners.  The owner ledger is great for accountants, but not so easy to understand for those of us without an accounts background. Make ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #54 - Secondary Creditor Types
Secondary Creditor Types Learn how to add a secondary creditor type in Strata Master.   Not all tradies wear only one hat, and that should be reflected in Strata Master too. With secondary creditor types added, these contractors will appear in mul...
 Strata Master Top Tip #55 - Auto-clear debt recovery
Automatically Clear Debt Recovery Learn how to automatically clear someone from debt recovery in Strata Master.  This ensures they will stop receiving arrears notices and won’t be sent to a debt collector once they have paid their debts. You can e...
 Strata Master Top Tip #56 - Split Receipts
Split Receipt Allocation In some circumstances, you can avoid the special levies and additional work that comes with an admin fund going into a deficit by selectively allocating receipts. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #57 - New Owner Selector Options
New Owner Selector Options Version 11.0 of Strata Master included an update to the Owner Selector - find out about the new ways to search for an Owner below. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #58 - Storing Confidential Documents
Storing Confidential Documents This week learn how to store sensitive documents in Strata Master.  It’s easy to keep confidential documents from coming up in strata searches thanks to the new Miscellaneous folder introduced in Strata Master v11 and...
 Strata Master Top Tip #59 - Miscellaneous Owner Invoices Update
Miscellaneous Owner Invoices Update This week learn how to edit miscellaneous owner invoice fields in Strata Master.  Enhancements to miscellaneous owner invoices in Strata Master v11 mean you can now edit the GST amount, adjust the due date, and s...
 Strata Master Top Tip #60 - Communication Wizard Update
Communication Wizard Update This week learn how to use the updated Communication Wizard in Strata Master v11.  After the major overhaul in v10.5, you had some feedback for us – and we’ve implemented it in v11! The preview screen is now a grid with ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #61 - Updated merge fields
Updated merge fields This week learn how to use the new merge fields in Strata Master v11.  Save time with the new “tenant email” and “resident email” mail-merge fields. No more posted mail-outs to tenants or agents, instead create a merge template...
 Strata Master Top Tip #62 - Notice Delivery Method
Notice Delivery Method This week learn how to use the view the delivery method for specific notices in Strata Master v11.  Eliminate any uncertainty regarding when and how debt recovery notices and annual notices of levies are sent. We’ll show you ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #63 - Portal Reports
Portal Reports This week learn about the additional reporting parameters added to the owner and committee portals in Strata Master v11.  It’s now even easier for your customers to find the information they need with the online portals, meaning fewe...
 Strata Master Top Tip #64 - Financial Group Reports on Portals
Financial Group Reports on Portals This week learn how to add financial group reports to the portals in Strata Master v11.  Your customers will then have easier access to the financial information they need, meaning fewer repetitive calls and email...
 Strata Master Top Tip #65 - Interim Report Order & Tenants in Quick Reports
Interim Report Order & Tenants in Quick Reports This week learn how to change the order of interim reports and use new data fields in Strata Master v11.  Changing the order of interim reports means you can now arrange them in an order that makes se...
 Strata Master Top Tip #66 - Future Dates Warning
Future Dates Warning This week learn how to ensure you don’t accidentally enter levy and invoice dates too far in advance in Strata Master version 11.  Reduce human error and the resulting missed levies or awkward invoices by ensuring users are wa...
 Strata Master Top Tip #67 - Using existing contacts for new lots
Using existing contact records when entering Lot Owners This week learn how to add a new lot to an existing owner in Strata Master.   We’ll show you how to stop creating duplicate owner records when changing ownership of a lot to a contact that’s ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #68 - Perfect Dates
Perfect Dates This week, we’ll show you 3 quick date tricks in Strata Master.  All designed to save you time and clicks, today's tips make you more efficient than ever, have your index finger thanking you for watching. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #69 - Payment Plans
Payment Plans This week, learn how to track owners on payment plans in Strata Master.  Not only will you save time recording and tracking these owners, you’ll also learn how to ensure they don't accidentally get sent a debt recovery notice and char...
 Strata Master Top Tip #70 - The down-lo of Downloads
The Down-lo of Downloads This week, learn all about the bank download options in Strata Master. Save time and trees, as you’ll understand what you do and don’t need to print, and ensure your bank download is set up correctly. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #71 - Levy Periods on Levy Notices
Levy Periods on Levy Notices This week, learn how to add the period to levy notices produced in Strata Master. Stop the calls from owners asking which period a levy is for by clearly providing that information on the levy notice.  ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #72 - On-charge invoices with File Smart Creditor Invoicing
On-charge Invoices with File Smart Creditor Invoicing This week, learn how to on charge an invoice with File Smart Creditor Invoicing and Strata Master.  No longer do you need to double handle these invoices by first paying the creditor and then...
 Strata Master Top Tip #73 - Amalgamated Management Fees
Amalgamated Management Fees This week, learn how to amalgamate your management fees with Strata Master. You’ll stop individual management fees from every plan appearing on your bank statement, so it’s much less messy and easier to read. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #74 - Rockend University
Rockend University This week, learn how to register for online training for Strata Master. You’ve told us you want online training, and unfortunately we can’t turn you into a Strata Master expert with a 1-minute tip. But a 1-hour online classroo...
 Strata Master Top Tip #75 - Meeting Resolution Templates
Meeting Resolution Templates This week, learn how to add additional resolution templates to the meeting wizard in Strata Master.   Save time writing minutes by creating templates that enable you to quickly add various resolutions for common a...
 Strata Master Top Tip #76 - Data Security
Data Security This week, learn how to ensure your data is secure and safe from hackers who might try to hold it ransom. Ransomware attacks are becoming more common. Simple steps like proper backups will make it harder for anyone to get hold of...
 Strata Master Top Tip #77 - Additional Debtor Lots
Additional Debtor Lots Learn how to set up and charge an additional debtor in Strata master. The additional debtor function makes it easier to charge an entity that regularly owes the owners corporation money for something – like advertising space...
 Strata Master Top Tip #78 - Re-balance a Balance Sheet
Re-balancing a Balance Sheet This tip shows how a Balance Sheet can become unbalanced, and more importantly how to fix it! If the Net Owners Funds and Net Assets don't match and you need to send reports to your owners, or to an auditor, watch this...
 Strata Master Top Tip #79 - The Proxy Register
The Proxy Register Learn how to save and access proxies in this tip. Now you can finally stop carrying around reams of paper to keep track of proxies. With a little help from Strata Master they can be accessed quickly and easily, so you can reac...
 Strata Master Top Tip #80 - Preview and Save Reports for Opening Balances
Preview and Save Reports for Opening Balances Learn how to reduce errors when entering opening balances, plus a process to follow that will make it easier to fix any issues that come about if a mistake still slips through. So you can not only reduc...
 Strata Master Top Tip #81 - Portals Tips - Activity Reports & Budgets
Portals Tips: Portals Activity Reports and Budget Reports The Owner and Committee Portals were given a big update in Version 11.5 of Strata Master . In this pair of tips, you’ll learn how to toggle the budget and levy schedule reports on your port...
 Strata Master Top Tip #82 - Bulk BPAY
 Strata Master Top Tip #83 - Search by Invoice Number
 Strata Master Top Tip #84 - Receipt Allocation Order
 Strata Master Top Tip #85 - Default BPAY Description
 Strata Master Top Tip #86 - Optimise BPAY Process
 Strata Master Top Tip #87 - Saving to File Smart
 Strata Master Top Tip #88 - Knowledgebase
 Strata Master Top Tip #89 - Hover and Hotkeys
 Strata Master Top Tip #90 - Restrict Access to Sensitive Information
Not everyone needs access to everything, and providing lots of people with access to functions they don’t need to do their job (and haven’t been trained in using) can be a security risk. Strata Master has extensive user configuration option...
 Strata Master Top Tip #91 - Bulk Edit Documents
What do you do when you discover documents that have been allocated to the wrong plan, or that need to be filed in a different way? No, these don’t need to be edited individually! With just a few clicks you can update you electronic filing ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #92 - Quantity Based Fees Detail Report
This report makes it easy to justify your fees based on work performed, so that any time your owners or committee members query what they are paying for, you can show them quickly and easily. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #93 - Automated Management Fees
Manually processing and charging fees is time consuming, and thanks to Strata Master, unnecessary! Today you’ll learn how to set up fees based on a variety of triggers, so they are charged automatically, and you never need to worry about th...
 Strata Master Top Tip #94 - Quick Navigation with Chain Link
 Strata Master Top Tip #95 - Quick Updates with Rockend SMS
Whether its reminding residents of an upcoming fire inspection, letting them know about a broken lift, or part of your debt recovery process, SMS is a great way to get your message seen quickly and by more people. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #96 - Split Levy Correspondence
A lot of agencies have separate email addresses for general correspondence and levy notices and get frustrated if you continually send levy notices to the general address you probably store in Strata Master. Luckily, there’s a second field ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #97 - Creating Payment Plans
Many owners are doing it tough right now. To help them out till they get back on their feet, you can defer their payment to a later date with a few clicks in Strata Master. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #98 - Access Portals from your Home Screen
This simple step makes it much easier for you and your customers to access the portals without typing out an address or navigating via your website. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #99 - Duplicate Invoices
 Strata Master Top Tip #100 - Work Order Comments
As restrictions ease and buildings continue to ramp maintenance work back up, communicating with your tradies is more important than ever. It’s simple to setup custom messages for specific work orders, or even apply a global message to all ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #101 - Spelling and Grammar Check
Spellcheck work orders, quotes, agendas and minutes creating through the meeting wizard, and any correspondence sent to owners. It’s a great way to ensure your correspondence stays professional and avoid any awkward errors. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #102 - Charge Unpaid Interest
Dealing with levy arrears is often time consuming and laborious – especially when owners pay incomplete amounts or forget to pay interest owed. The ‘Charge unpaid interest’ checkbox can be used to completely automate follow up for owners th...
 Strata Master Top Tip #103 - Change of Ownership Wizard
Changing the ownership of a lot often involves multiple steps, any of which can get lost along the way – unless you’re using the Change of Ownership Wizard of course! ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #104 - Add a Credit Note for Creditors
Sometimes you need a creditor to pay some money back – maybe the wrong tradie was paid, paid twice, or an invoice was disputed. Whatever the case, no one likes to ask for money back, which is why in Strata Master you can create a credit no...
 Strata Master Top Tip #105 - Charging your time as a management fee
Easily record time spent on tasks using Strata Master Time Charging in the Owners Corporation Diary! Learn how to setup and charge in the video above! ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #106 - Track High Value Owners
The linked lots tab makes it simple to view and navigate to other lots owned by a single owner. It’s also easy to add an existing owner to a new lot, as well as to consolidate multiple records for the same owner. SHOW LESS ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #107 - Easy Bulk Communications
Lot owners, tenants, committee members, tradies... The list goes on. With so many contacts in your database, it’s important to know how to efficiently communicate with all of them. Strata Master’s communication wizard has everything you need t...
 Strata Master Top Tip #108 - Auto notifications for unsuccessful quotes
Many of us are guilty of ignoring unsuccessful quotes from tradies, leaving them wondering if they got the job. It’s not a good experience for them, and will likely just result in another call for you when they decide to check in. Save yoursel...
 Strata Master Top Tip #122 - Owner Delivery Method Wizard
Strata Master Top Tip #122 - Owner Delivery Method Wizard You may have multiple linked lots and want to update your delivery methods. The owner delivery method wizard is the quickest way to update delivery methods for levies, notices, and correspon...
 Strata Master Top Tip #123 - Tax Report
Strata Master Top Tip #123 - Tax Report To generate your tax report, you’ll need to get a profit and loss statement that covers the tax year instead of the financial year. Watch the video now and learn how to easily generate your tax return for all...
 Strata Master Top Tip #124 - Attachment to Levy Notice Email
Strata Master Top Tip #124 - Attachment to Levy Notice Email A plan may recently have had updates that you want to send to your owners. Whether it may be a copy of the AGM minutes or reports, you can now easily send multiple attachments with your l...
 Strata Master Top Tip #125 - Miscellaneous Invoice with multiple dissections
Strata Master Top Tip #125 - Miscellaneous Invoice with multiple dissections Good news! From Strata Master version 14.5, you can now input multiple lines in relation to different matters in your owner invoice. ...
 Strata Master Top Tip #126 - Creditor Invoices (Multiple Dissections)
Strata Master Top Tip #126 - Creditor Invoices (Multiple Dissections) Whether or not you’re using File Smart to enter your invoices, here’s an easy way to input your creditor invoices, especially those with multiple dissections, in your Strata Mast...
 Strata Master Top Tip #127 - Tradesmen Wizard
Strata Master Top Tip #127 - Tradesmen Wizard The tradesmen wizard from Strata Master version 14.5 now allows a faster way to assign a supplier to multiple plans and update the supplier’s corresponding status at the same time. ...