Edit a Budget in Strata Master


You may be required to edit an existing budget.  Learn how to add or remove accounts and change budget figures. This article will also provide information on editing dates.

Topics covered in this article:

Add a Budget Account

Where accounts are already in place in a budget, you are able to add a budget item.  This will also be required when a new budget is created, with accounts copied from a previous budget.

Note that you have a tab for Admin accounts and a separate tab for Capital Works accounts.

1. Click the Edit button.

2. Select the + button on the right hand side of the budget. This will add a blank row.

3. Click the blank row and a drop down button becomes visible. Click this drop down and select your required account from the list.

4. Once you have selected your account you can enter your budgeted figure in the 'This Year Budgeted' field.

5. Click the Save button. The new line will slide into the correct numerical order of accounts listed.

Remove a Budget Account

Budget account items generally need to be edited to a zero amount. It is not possible to delete a budget item.

Once an account is in a budget and has prior years with actual and budgeted figures, the item remains in the budget.  The 0 budget amount remains in order to compare with previous budgets. Any actuals will also push through to the budget and show actuals in the now non-budgeted account.  The alternative is to create a new budget which will not have prior year comparisons

1. Click the Edit button.

2. Highlight the account to be edited.

3. Click into the budgeted figure and enter 0.

4. Click the Save button.

Edit a Budget Figure

You can edit 'budgeted' figures at any time, however you cannot edit 'Actuals' as these are the figures that reflect the transactions processed to the listed accounts during the budget period. Strata Master will pull the Actual figures through. If you need to edit an Actual figure, you will need to review the transactions and edit accordingly.

1. Click the Edit button.

2. Click into the budget figure field that requires editing. Note that the line may highlight.

3. Type the new figure and you will notice the amount entering as you key it in.

4. Click into another field when finished or click enter.

Change a Budget Date

Once a budget date is set, the date itself cannot be edited.  In this case it is necessary to re-create a budget with the required date. You will note that you can have budgets with various dates so it is not necessary to delete the existing budget.

27/05/2024 5:53 pm AEST

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