Debt Recovery


Lot Owner Not Showing on Debt Recovery List
Lot Owner Not Showing on Debt Recovery List When you are endeavouring to produce a debt recovery notice for an owner, and that owner is not appearing on the list for Stage 1, Stage 2 or Stage 3 as expected, this article will assist you to check the...
Assigning a Lot to A Debt Collector in Strata Master
Assigning a Lot to A Debt Collector in Strata Master Once a Lot has progressed to Stage 3 Debt Recovery due to arrears, they will be assigned to a Debt collection Agency for follow up of the Arrears. These are the steps to Forwarding the file deta...
Assigning a Debt Collector to a Plan/Owners Corporation in Strata Master
Assigning a Debt Collector to a Plan/Owners Corporation in Strata Master Maintaining a good relationship with a  Debt Collection company is an integral part of Strata Management. It is preferable that one company is appointed as the Debt Collectio...
Notifying Debt Collector of Payments in Strata Master
Notifying Debt Collector of Payments in Strata Master After a Lot Owner has been referred to a Debt Collection Agency for follow up of the Lot Owners arrears, the Debt collection Agency is to be notified of any payments made to the Lot Owner card. ...
List of Excluded Lots and Payment Plans in Strata Master
List of Excluded Lots and Payment Plans in Strata Master It is possible to exclude a Plan, or Lots from Debt Recovery, and to also note some Plans as being on an arranged payment plan.  Once on a payment plan, the Lot is also Excluded form Debt Rec...
Adding a Payment Plan to a Lot in Strata Master
Adding a Payment Plan to a Lot in Strata Master A Lot Owner may agree to a payment plan for an arrears balance.  There are 2 options described below - The arrears balance may have placed the Lot Owner in Debt Recovery and a payment plan arranged....
Arrears Figures For A Past Date in Strata Master
Arrears Figures For A Past Date in Strata Master The Aged Arrears report in Strata Master is always produced as at the date that you generate the report. The current date is the date that is most applicable to managing arrears and debt recovery. I...
Debt Recovery Template is Blank or Not Correct In Strata Master
Debt Recovery Template is Blank or Not Correct In Strata Master When you process your Debt Recovery, it is always a good idea to process one Lot from each stage, and ensuring that the Template has not been moved or changed in some way. You may fin...
Process Manual Notification of Debt Recovery to Debt Collector in Strata Master
Process Manual Notification of Debt Recovery to Debt Collector in Strata Master Summary Learn the steps needed to send a Manual Debt Collection when only an invoice is overdue and understand how to Record a Manual Debt Recovery, where the Lot Owne...
Generating an Arrears Report in Strata Master
Generating an Arrears Report in Strata Master Summary Learn to generate an arrears report. Generating an arrears report is part of the Debt Management process within the agency, and alerts to the need for - issuing statements, issuing a...