Adding Additional Information to a Levy Notice

Information can be added to a Levy Notice in three ways:

1. Additional text can be added to the notice between the levy detail and the payment slip.

Levy Wizard > Issue Levy Notices or Accounting > Levy Processing > Issue Levy Notices > Additional Comments for Notices field.

Enter text either by typing directly or copy/paste. Be aware that space is limited between the Levy information and the remittance slip.

2. Use the attachments field provided in the Issue Levy Notices screen, to add an attachment.  Click the green + and browse to your document. You can attach meeting minutes if you wish.

3. Additional Page

Create a document and Save As ‘levynoticecomment.pdf’. Save this document to \\Strata$\Data on your server. 

19/08/2024 7:07 pm AEST

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