VCAT Notices in Strata Master
VCAT Notices are required to be attached to documents such as Levy Notices and Debt Recovery Notices for Strata Plans / Owners Corporations in Victoria.
That article will step through the set up of the document within Strata master so that the document is printed and emailed with Notices. This article will also include some troubleshooting.
The Document
The VCAT Notice itself is provided with your database and is saved in the \\Server\Strata$\Data folder.
The document can be edited, copied and replaced.
The Document in the Data Folder
1. In your File Explorer, browse to the Strata$ folder on the Strata Master server. If you have one standalone working server, it will be on your C drive.
2. Select the Data folder
3. Ensure there is a VCAT document in the Data folder. Also ensure that it is a Rich Text Document (extension .rtf). It can be named VCAT, VCAT Template or similar for identification.
4. Note that you may also have a levynoticecomment file in the Data folder which contains a copy of the VCAT Notice. Depending on various factors this may be required for the VCAT to show when emailing and printing Fee Notices, especially if Mailroom is selected as the printer.
Instruction Strata Master To Add the Document to Notices?
1. Navigate to Configure > Association Type > Select the Victorian association type.
2. Click edit. Then click on the three dots beside "Additional Template" and browse to the location of the document in the Data folder.
3. Click Save
Trouble Shooting
2 or more copies of VCAT are printing and/or emailing
1. Check your Data folder and ensure that there is only ONE VCAT document in the folder. If you have more copies, remove the superfluous copies to another folder. Only retain the VCAT Notice currently linked in the Association Type screen. Test by sending a Levy Notice email to yourself or printing a Levy Notice.
2. When there is only one VCAT Notice in the Data folder and there are still 2 copies emailing or printing, then move any 'levynoticecomments' that are VCAT notices out of the data folder, to another folder. Test by sending a Levy Notice email to yourself or printing a Levy Notice.
3. If still have more than one copy attaching to the Levy Notice, call Strata master Support on 1300 657 700 or log a case via your MyMRI portal login.
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