Add a Diary Item in Strata Master


Learn how to use the diary to record information other than work orders. Events can be diarised, as can jobs that are outside the reminder system activities, and management information about a specific Plan.


There are 2 diaries, accessed from separate Diary icons.

The main icon toolbar - 

The Plan toolbar in the Corp screen -

The Steps to Recording An User Diary Item

In this example we will add a note to remind of end of financial year process.

1. Select the Diary icon in the Icon toolbar. enter a subject header and a date for the reminder. You can enter a date for the end of a lengthy contract or a reassessment of the item in a years time for example.

2.  Select 'details tab and enter first step or as much of the informaiton you wish to enter.

3. Click the Save button.  The diary entry then shows at the top of the Diary Item Headings.

4. To add to the diary item, select the Subject header. The notes at the bottom of the screen become visible.

5. Click on the details tab and enter further details as required.

6 Click the save button. The new entry appears beneath the other entries.

7. You are able to edit previous entries and print or preview the entry.

The Steps to Recording a Plan Record to a Diary Item

In this example we will add information regarding device orders. The steps are similar to the above.

1. Select the Corp icon and enter the Plan number.

2. Select the diary icon.

3. Add the subject and required details as in the steps for the User diary item.

4. You are able to edit previous entries and print or preview the entry.

09/08/2024 1:36 pm AEST

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