How to Create an Owner Invoice in REST Professional
You may have an owner with insufficient funds to pay an invoice and you need to invoice the owner for payment.
You cannot create an invoice in REST to send to the owner as you can a tenant invoice, however you can create an outstanding disbursement against the property. This invoice will show as part of the owner statement as an unpaid invoice.
This document will cover:
- Creating an outstanding invoice against the property
- Printing/Previewing the Owner Statement
Creating the Outstanding Disbursement
- Go to Transactions > Creditor Disbursement
- Enter the details for the invoice:
- Property – Enter the alpha index of the property
- Creditor – Enter the alpha index for the creditor
- Description – Enter a description for the disbursement, this will appear on the owner statement
- Account Code – Use the relevant account code for the disbursement (i.e. an expense code)
- Ref/Invoice No. – Fill out the relevant reference/invoice number or a description
- Click OK–F12
- If a message comes up with - This disbursement will be added to the outstanding disbursement file.
- Select the priority of the disbursement and click OK
NOTE: The disbursement will now appear on the Outstanding Disbursement Report and also on the Owner Details under the O/S Disbs Tab
Printing/Previewing the Owner Statement
To check how this will print out at end of month you can preview and/or print the statement as follows:-
- Go to Reports > Owner > Statement Printing
- Click on Select and choose the Owner
- Click on Preview-F11
NOTE: You will notice on the bottom of the statement it shows the unpaid invoice
NOTE: If you’re going to email the statement to the owner close out of the preview screen by clicking on the blue back arrow tick send email statements and click on the print button, this will email the statement if you have selected statement to be emailed.