Strata Master Version 15.5.5 Release Notes
In this release
Debt Recovery Notices
Adjustments have been made to the reminder notice and debt recovery templates to include a merge field which displays the daily interest amount. This has been applied on all stages of debt recovery.
What we fixed
Remittance Advice Field 1
Remittances were populating text reading ‘Field 1' under certain circumstances. This has been resolved.
12 Month Statement Update
The 12 Month Statement of Revenue and Expenses has been updated to reflect budgets created with Financial Groups.
Update Invoice Finance Creditor Details
The Invoice Finance Creditor details have been updated relating to MRI Strata Master Connect Invoice Finance for trades.
Levy Notice Template
The levy notice email template was reflecting the Business Name rather than the Contact Name when Business was selected. This has been resolved.
ASB Payment Files
Some payment files via ASB Professional Trust were returning an error. This has been resolved.
Final Fee Notices
The text on the Final Fee Notice for Victoria has been adjusted for accuracy.
Detailed Expenses Report
Under certain circumstances, the Detailed Expenses report was populating the payee, type, and payment number incorrectly. This has been resolved.