How to Change a Financial Year End
How to Change a Financial Year End
An owners corporation may want to permanently change its financial year end, for example from June year end to December year end.
This can be accommodated in STRATA Master with a careful procedure being f...
Strata Master End of Year Procedures (Australia excluding WA Users)
How to complete your End of Financial Year in STRATA Master (Australia, excluding WA)
Strata Master End of Year Procedures (New Zealand)
How to produce all the required information for your end of year reporting - based on New Zealand EOFY requirements.
Strata Master End of Year Procedures (WA)
How to produce all the required information for your end of year reporting - based on Western Australian requirements.
Auto Reversing Journals in Strata Master
Auto Reversing Journals in Strata Master
These journal entries are used to reflect Balance Day or End of Financial Year Adjustments. Can these journals be used for purposes other than end of financial year adjustments ? Similar journals can be...