How to Generate the Bond Reports in REST Professional
There are several reports that relate to the Tenant Bonds in REST Professional:
The Bond Report – This report prints a list of tenants showing the bond number and bond amount receipted. The total of bonds paid will appear as a total at the bottom of this report
The Bond Held Report – This report will only be available if Automatic Bond Payments has been setup. For more information please see document “How to Setup and Use Automatic Bond Payments in REST”.This report prints a list of tenants showing the bond required, receipted, disbursed and bonds held
Internal bond ledger/s i.e. AABONDR and AABONDC
The Bond Report
Go to Reports > Tenant > Bond Report
Select criteria:
Manager - To print the report for a particular manager, choose the manager from the dropdown list. Leave as All to print all tenants regardless of the manager
Report Order - Choose to print in tenant or property order
Class – Choose all, or select from Residential or Commercial etc.
Only show bonds owing - Check this option to only show those tenants who still owe bond This is calculated by subtracting the bond paid from the bond required
Bond Number Order - Check this option to display tenants in Bond Number Order
Click on Print-F12 or Preview-F11
The Bond Required field is the amount recorded against the Tenant details.
The Bond Paid field is the amount paid to the Bond Board and is also reflected on the Tenant Details as Bond Collected. The total of Bond Paid on this report should reflect what is lodged with the Bond Authority. NOTE: Be mindful of bonds that are disbursed directly to the tenant upon vacating as this information would need to be manually updated to ensure the correct information is produced.
The Bond Held Report
This report will only be available if Automatic Bond Payments have been activated.
Go to Reports > Tenant > Bond Held Report
Select Criteria:
Manager - To print the report for a particular manager, choose the manager from the dropdown list. Leave as All to print all tenants regardless of the manager
Report Order - Choose to print in tenant or property order
Class – Choose all, or select from Residential or Commercial etc.
Only show bonds held – This automatically defaults to being ticked and will show all bonds held
Bond Number Order - Check this option to display tenants in Bond Number Order
Click on Print-F12 or Preview-F11
The Bond Disb field represents the amount of funds that have been disbursed using automatic bond payments.
The Bond Held field is the funds that are currently sitting internally in REST and held in Trust. The Bond Held field on the Tenant Details can not be edited as it reflects real funds receipted in against the bond.
Internal Bond Ledger/s
There are two internal bond accounts, AABONDR and AABONDC. These reflect residential & commercial bonds separately. All bond transactions incoming and outgoing will show in the bond ledger/s.
Go to Files > Owner - enter AABONDR in the alpha index and press Enter
Click on the Printer icon
at the top right of the REST desktop
Select the range to be printed i.e. Complete History, Current Period Only or Select Period Range
Click Print-F12 or Preview-F11