Upgrading Strata Master

Upgrading Strata Master takes less than 5 minutes. Watch this condensed, step by step video showing how easy it is to upgrade to the latest version of Strata Master.

Disclaimer: Upgrade times may vary based on the size of your database, internet speeds and your computer or server's processing capabilities. For support, call 1300 657 700 to learn more about upgrading to the latest version of Strata Master.

Template Folder

Ensuring you backup your templates folder is an essential requirement for all customers for this release. As one of our updates will directly overwrite your current template, we recommend renaming your template folder so that it is not overwritten in the upgrade, but is still available. Instructions can be found on the video below or in this article - https://kb.rockend.com/help/template-folder-prior-to-and-after-an-upgrade-in-strata-master

  • Note that the agency customised documents are in the renamed folder and will not be read by users Strata Master after the upgrade, as Strata Master looks to a folder named 'Template'. 
  • Please ensure that, after upgrading, the folder is renamed back to 'Template' and the new folder is renamed to 'Template vsxxx' whether done by IT or User.
  • Any new template/s issued in the upgrade are moved from the 'Template vsxxx' folder to the 'Template' folder, so it will be available to users. Refer the release notes below.

Before Upgrading

Please check that each machine with a Strata Master installation has a Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 file in Apps and Features. If a 2015 version is not installed, you can download the file from the Microsoft website. Without this file some processes in Strata Master will not function.

Latest version: Strata Master Version 15.5.5

To upgrade SQL (SQL 2012 or above required) -

Refer to this guide if an Error Code 1721 is displayed while upgrading.

Refer to this guide if an error 3604 is displayed while upgrading 

Additionally, if you have restrictions on your internet or problems downloading the latest upgrade, manually download the latest upgrade file from here

NOTE: Before manually upgrading Strata Master, confirm where the Strata Master program is currently installed on the server.  If this folder is not the default C:\Strata folder, the person performing the upgrade will have to change the folder location to the currently installed location when prompted during the upgrade process.

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06/01/2025 5:03 pm AEDT