Using a Non-Duplex Printer With VCAT Form in Strata Master
This article will provide set up steps to add a VCAT (Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal) form to the Levy and Debt Recovery Notices, where Mailroom is in use for posting of printed Notices. Note that this is a guide as in some cases the set up needs to be modified to see what works in individual agency systems, as this process is governed by printer setup.
This article will assist where, in other states or countries, forms similar to VCAT need to be attached to these Notices.
Where Mailroom is not in use our article regarding duplex printing will provide the set up steps.
Mailroom is a printer install in Windows and accessed by Strata Master. There are no settings in Strata Master for Mailroom other than selection as a printer. Mailroom is not a duplex printer while the addition of a second page to the back of the Notices, requires a duplex printer. You are recommended to enquire with Mailroom how the VCAT page is sent as there may be updates to this.
In Strata Master, for emailing and printing of Notices, the Printer Selector is Mailroom.
1. Navigate to File > Printer Selector
2. Ensure the printer selected for Levies is Mailroom. Click the Change button and select Mailroom if necessary.
The Levy Notice Comment Word Document
1. Open a blank Word document page. Locate Word on your workstation and open a blank page.
Note: MS Office version differences will vary this step.
2. Cut and paste the VCAT form details to the Word document. Copy from your records. Do not copy the details from below as they may not be current.
3. Select to 'Save As' and save as a PDF format (.pdf) and name as levynoticecomment. Ensure there are no spaces in the name.
4. Save to the Server\Strata$\Data folder.
Note: There can only be 1 file called levynoticecomment in this folder.
5. If the VCAT Template.rtf creates a conflict, or causes 2 VCAT pages to attach, you can move that file to another folder named 'VCAT Unused documents'.
We do not recommend deleting the file in case your system setup changes and this file be required at a later date.
Collation to Other Notices
To attach a VCAT form to debt recovery notices, you will need to create a .pdf file for these also, and save them in the Data folder.
The naming convention required for Strata master to recognise these VCAT forms -
An exception to this requirement is when a path to the levynoticecomment.rtf is set into the Association Type. When there is no path set, Strata Master will automatically pick up relevant comments as above from the Data folder.
Adding a VCAT Form as an Attachment in Levy Wizard
While it is possible to add an attachment in the Issue Levy screen, this will not be automated and will only generate the attachment for emailed levies.
The document attached will need to be a .pdf and attached at the time of the levy issuance.
For further Information
Please refer to the VCAT Instruction Article.