Corp Screen Plan Search Shows More Than One Plan With Same Number in Strata Master


When entering a plan number in the Corp screen, a drop down list will display choices relevant to the numbers or letters you have entered. Since you should only have one plan for each plan number, you may find the exact same number listed more than once.

Strata Master is designed to accurately detect any duplications of Plan numbers, however learn how to confirm that the Plan is only entered once.


When entering the first letters or numbers of a Plan in the Corp screen,  the search function generates a list of possible selections based on what you have entered. The example below shows that entering SP shows a Plan with SP as part of the Plan number along with an address commencing with Sp.

When entering the first letters or numbers of a Plan in the Corp screen, you may see duplications in the drop down list. This duplication can be caused by the search locating the entered number in a few fields. The number may also be entered in a related Corp.

Check To Ensure There Is No Duplication of the Strata Plan

There are two options available for this check:

1. Through the corp screen you are currently viewing

2. Through Quick Reports

Through The Corp Screen

1. Select the magnifying glass.

2. Leaving the filters all blank, click the search binoculars.

3. When the list of Strata Plans shows, ensure this plan number only shows once.

Through Quick Reports 

Alternatively, you will find a list of Strata Plans on the Corporations tab in Quick Reports.

1. Navigate to the Quick Reports icon in the toolbar.

2. Select the Corporations tab (usually the selected tab when you open Quick Reports) and then click the search binoculars.

A list of managed Strata Plans is then displayed.

3. Click on the 'Plan # ' header and the Strata Plans will list in number order.

When To Contact Support

As mentioned, Strata Master us designed to detect duplications of Plan numbers when a Strata Plan is being entered, so it would be rare to see a duplication. There is usually a simple reason for a plan number showing multiple times in a general search list that is searching a number of fields.

If you find a Plan listed twice then log a case with Support supplying screenshots of the relevant screen.

06/01/2025 1:30 pm AEDT

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