Strata Master and MEETING Master Integration
MEETING Master is a fantastic productivity app allowing you to sync your meeting directly from Strata Master allowing you to hold the meeting anywhere, anytime as no internet connection is required to run the meeting once synced.
When you have completed your meeting, sync the recorded details back into Strata Master to issue the minutes.
Features include:
- Attendance screen
- Meeting quorum screen
- Set meeting commencement times
- List motions for the meeting
- Add supporting documents as PDF attachments
- Document the resolutions while in the meeting
- Notes field for each motion
- Set meeting conclusion times
- Sync back into Strata Master to issue minutes
Setup Instructions
Pre-requisites for using MEETING Master
You must complete the installation of Strata Communicator before using this guide to setup MEETING Master.
Users with the required security should launch Configure > Communicator Configuration.
Click on the Installation button under the System menu and ensure your services are running.
Click on the Help icon for Setup and Use documentation.
Strata Master Version 6.0 or later must be installed.
MEETING Master is only compatible with Windows 8 devices or Apple iPad using iOS 5.5.1 or later.
Activating Meeting Master in Strata Communicator
MEETING Master must be activated in STRATA Communicator by a user with the required security level.
To activate your Strata Master database for syncing with MEETING Master:
- Click Configure > Communicator Configuration.
- Click the Portal button under Services. The activation page displays your Strata Database.
- Check the Active checkbox against your Strata database.
- Click the MEETING Master button under Services. The activation page displays your Strata Database.
- Check the Active checkbox against your Strata database.
Meeting Master Setup
Meeting Master enables you to hold meetings outside of the office by syncing the entire meeting from Strata Master to a mobile device.
Meeting Master Integrates with Strata Master to simplify running your meeting, and significantly reduce the time required to issue minutes.
1. To activate the Meeting Master Integration with Strata Master you will need to install the Strata Communicator on your server. Click on the Installation button under System below to confirm that Communicator is installed.
2. Activate your Strata Master database below, and make a note of your portal key to enter when configuring Meeting Master.
After you have synced your meetings you can take attendance, record resolutions for each motion on the agenda and once completed, sync back the outcomes to issue your minutes.
Downloading MEETING Master
MEETING Master is a free mobile application for Windows 8 (or later) tablets and devices and iPads.
To Download, please access the App Store or Microsoft Store and search for 'Meeting Master'.
Setting up MEETING Master on your device
When the application has been successfully installed on your device and your Strata Master Database has been activated in Strata Communicator, you are ready to set up MEETING Master on your device.
- Load MEETING Master on your device.
- Select the Settings icon.
- Select the + button.
- Enter a friendly name for the database
- Enter the Portal key as shown in Communicator.
- Set as Active
- Save
Note: If you have multiple databases, you may configure each of them on the device and select the default database based on which meeting(s) which you want to sync from Strata Master.
Using MEETING Master
Login to MEETING Master using any active username and password configured in Strata Master.
Set the number of days ahead to sync meetings, the maximum is 7 days.
Any meetings which are synced onto your device but are not required can be removed from the main screen. This does not remove the meeting from your device but moves it into the Deleted folder. From there you can permanently remove the meeting, or restore it back to the Current page as required.
The following details will be synced from Strata Master onto your device:
The owners / executive committee members will be displayed.
Valid proxies, nominees and owner representatives are displayed as recorded in the Proxy/Nominee register. Where a proxy is recorded the words (or proxy) will appear on the attendance register after the owners name.
To view the total arrears, meeting arrears or the name of a proxy click on the + icon next to the owner. You may also add the name of the proxy directly into MEETING Master for this meeting only.
To confirm how many lots or units of entitlements are required you may click on the quorum tab at any time.
As you take attendance the quorum will continue to be calculated. Once the quorum has been reached a ticked is displayed which indicates that the meeting can commence.
If you have not reached a quorum, by clicking on the quorum tab a list of absentees will be shown with the unit of entitlement and financial status.
You may manually over-ride the quorum calculation if required.
Start the Meeting
Select the start time of the meeting.
It should be noted that the motions are in Read only mode until the meeting has commenced.
Each agenda item is displayed as recorded in Strata Master.
To use the original motion wording in the resolution, click the icon to copy the agenda item.
You may click resolved to insert the word ‘resolved’ in front of the wording copied from the agenda. Any additional wording may be added to the Resolution section of the app.
To use multiple minute resolutions to complete the meeting minutes, select the required resolution from the list.
If the motion is amended this should also be reflected in MEETING Master.
The attachments included in your agenda are displayed in app.
Note: If the attachments do not sync this may be as they are not located on the same server as the Strata Communicator services are installed.
End the Meeting
When the meeting has concluded, click End meeting and update the time as required.
Sync meeting details back into Strata Master
When the meeting has been ended and you have recorded all details in app, you can then sync the meeting back into Strata Master from the MEETING Master home page.
When the sync is completed for the meeting, a Read only version of the meeting can be viewed in the Archive folder on your device.
You are able to remove archived meetings from your device by firstly deleting the meeting which moves it to the Deleted folder, from there it can be permanently deleted.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if the meeting is ready to be synced back into Strata Master?
On the main page for each meeting there is a status which will state: Ready to sync, and there will be a tick next to any plans where the meetings have been completed.
What happens if I sync a meeting back into Strata Master before I complete the resolutions?
When the data is synced back into Strata Master the details are populated in the Minutes screen. If there are any changes required these can be completed in Strata Master prior to issuing the completed minutes.
Why can’t I edit any resolutions?
The meeting is set to Read only until the meeting has been started.