Updated Articles

  1. Comparing Standard and Split Management Fees in Strata Master

    Comparing Standard and Split Management Fees in Strata Master Summary The settings in Configure > Agency > Management Fees provide a drop down alternative between Standard and Split Management Fee for "Monthly" Management Fee proce...
  2. Understanding a Receipt not Showing Levy Allocation on Owner Ledger in Strata Master

    Understanding a Receipt not Showing Levy Allocation on Owner Ledger in Strata Master Summary When accessing a Lot Owner ledger through the Corp > Lots >Levies tab screen, you may notice some receipts do not show a levy allocation in the reco...
  3. Accessing the List of Status Reports Issued in Strata Master

    Accessing the List of Status Reports Issued in Strata Master Summary Status Reports in Strata Master are also known as Status Certificates or Section Certificates. When issued there is usually a charge made against the requestor for the service. ...
  4. Unable to Edit a Transaction in Search/Edit Transactions in Strata Master

    Unable to Edit a Transaction in Search/Edit Transactions in Strata Master Summary Some transactions can be edited in the Search/Edit Transactions screen. When clicking on the transaction, a pop up box will show editable fields. This article will a...
  5. Edit a Creditor Invoice in Strata Master

    Edit a Creditor Invoice in Strata Master Summary This article will step through navigation to the Creditor Invoicing screen, for those new to Strata Master, and then lists edits that can be made. Overview Creditor invoicing screen shows invoices...
  6. Lot Owner With Overdue Invoice Doesn't Show in Debt Recovery in Strata Master

    Lot Owner With Overdue Invoice Doesn't Show in Debt Recovery in Strata Master Note this issue is amended in Version 14.5 so first section applies to version 14.0.2 and below, with a reference to required setting for versions 14.5 and above. Su...
  7. Delete an Association Type in Strata Master

    Delete an Association Type in Strata Master Summary This article will assist when an Association Type (Scheme, Community Title or other ) has been created in error and needs to be deleted.   Delete an Unused Association Type On the Configu...
  8. Edit Strata Plan Association Type Details in Strata Master

    Edit Strata Plan Association Type Details in Strata Master Summary This article will assist when details of an Association Type (Scheme, Community Title or other ) needs to be updated.   Edit the Details of an Association Type On the Confi...
  9. Process Manual Notification of Debt Recovery to Debt Collector in Strata Master

    Process Manual Notification of Debt Recovery to Debt Collector in Strata Master Summary Learn the steps needed to send a Manual Debt Collection when only an invoice is overdue and understand how to Record a Manual Debt Recovery, where the Lot Owne...
  10. Rejected BPAY File – Incorrect Biller Code – Macquarie Bank Customers

    Rejected BPAY File – Incorrect Biller Code – Macquarie Bank Customers Overview Where the BPAY payment file is rejected due to the creditor Biller Code being incorrect, the following steps should be taken.  This process applies to ...