Updated Articles

  1. Auto Reversing Journals in Strata Master

    Auto Reversing Journals in Strata Master These journal entries are used to reflect Balance Day or End of Financial Year Adjustments. Can these journals be used for purposes other than end of financial year adjustments ? Similar journals can be...
  2. Not all Information is Available for Opening Balances in Strata Master

    Not all Information is Available for Opening Balances in Strata Master Prior to commencing Opening Balances it is important to have the following information/resources available - the bank account details for the new Plan. the financials from ...
  3. How to Create an Investment Account

    How to Create an Investment Account in Strata Master This article will assist you to enter the appropriate settings to enable receipting to a New Investment Account.  This Investment may be one where funds are being transferred from exist...
  4. Correcting an Expense Account Used in a Creditor Payment in Strata Master.

    Correcting an Expense Account Used in a Creditor Payment in Strata Master Summary This article will provide you with an overview of the methods that are used to correct the expense account entered when the invoice was recorded. There will be l...
  5. Ticking 'Banked' on a Receipt in Strata Master

    Ticking 'Banked' on a Receipt in Strata Master Summary Learn about all aspects of the 'Banked' tick box located on the receipt screen.. This article will cover these aspects of the 'Banked' tick box : What the Banke...
  6. Logging a Case on MyMRI Client Portal

    Logging a Case on MyMRI Client Portal We understand that you have a busy work environment, and waiting on the phone can reduce productivity. Instead of sitting on hold, you can log and track your cases 24/7 through your personal myMRI Portal . See...
  7. Resolving Levy Notice Error After DEFT Direct Debit Setup in Strata Master

    Resolving Levy Notice Error After DEFT Direct Debit Setup in Strata Master Summary If you have recently set up Direct Debit in Strata Master and you receive an error message referring to Direct Debits in issuing your Levy Notices, then this articl...
  8. Cancelling a DEFT Direct Debit Authorisation Made by a Lot Owner for Strata Master

    Cancelling a DEFT Direct Debit Authorisation Made by a Lot Owner for Strata Master Summary This article will provide you with guidance to handling a request by a Lot Owner to cancel their Direct Debit Authorisation, so fees are no longer deducted ...
  9.  Upgrading STRATA Master

    How to upgrade your version of STRATA Master to the latest release.
  10. Strata Master Version 15.5.3 Release Notes

    Strata Master Version 15.5.3 Release Notes In this release Macquarie Levy Notice Changes required The Macquarie Levy Notice has been adjusted to remove telephone payment details. A checkbox has also been added to the Configure > Agency > St...