How to Process a Dishonoured Receipt in STRATA Master
How to Process a Dishonoured Receipt in STRATA Master
Step 1: Original receipt(s) will need to be cancelled.
Step 2: Process Bank Dishonour Fee
Cancel Receipts
Levy Receipts –
Accounting > Adjustment > Searc...
How to Process an Allocation Receipt
How to Process an Allocation Receipt To distribute unallocated money to levies/charges, we create a NIL receipt. MENU > ACCOUNTING/ RECEIPTING Enter the Lot and Plan number In the top right hand corner the ‘Unallocated B/F’ amount will ...
Bank Download Failed
Bank Download Failed This article will assist you to manage failures where the reports do not print or the download fails part way through and does not complete. If reports do not print, they cannot be reprinted. If you use Filesmart as your docu...
Reversing a Receipt Allocated to Old Bank Account After Bank Change
Reversing a Receipt Allocated to Old Bank Account After Bank Change This normally only arises when a receipt is allocated to the wrong lot. This article relates to that scenario. Should you have a lot owner requesting a reallocation of funds ,...
Receipt to Unallocated Funds
Receipt to Unallocated Funds This article will assist you to receipt funds directly to unallocated funds, and not levies or interest. This can occur when the funds are to be refunded to the owner, or held for another purpose. The owner may have se...
Cancel A Lot Owner Receipt
Cancel a Lot Owner Receipt This article will assist you to cancel a receipt to a Lot Owner's ledger. Important notes about Receipt Cancellations, especially starred ** notes - When a receipt is cancelled, it is cancelled at the current date. A...
Unposted Levy Receipt in Strata Master
Unposted Levy Receipt in Strata Master You may notice an Lot Owners Ledger refers to a receipt as 'unposted'. If this is the case, your bank reconciliation may also be unbalanced. This article will assist you to change the receipt to Banked and id...
Funds Receipted to the Wrong Lot in Strata Master
Funds Receipted to the Wrong Lot in Strata Master This article will assist you to correct a transaction when a receipt has been receipted to the wrong Lot, when the 2 Lots involved are in the same Strata Plan. Refer note at the bottom of this artic...
How to Process a Receipt in Strata Master that is already on the Bank Statement
How to Process a Receipt in Strata Master that is already on the Bank Statement (Basic Receipting) There are receipts when cash or cheque is received, where the funds need to be taken to the bank, and there are receipts that are already on the Bank...
How to Process a Receipt for Cash or Cheque in Strata Master
How to Process a Receipt for Cash or Cheque in Strata Master (Basic Receipting) There are receipts when cash or cheque is received, where the funds need to be taken to the bank. This article will cover the receipt for funds not yet showing on the...
Cancel an Allocation Receipt in Strata Master
Cancel an Allocation Receipt in Strata Master Have you tried to cancel a receipt and you receive a message that refers to an allocation receipt? The message may look like this - What that means is that the receipt you are trying to cancel, ha...
Receipting Unidentified Funds to a Single Trust Account in Strata Master
Receipting Unidentified Funds to a Single Trust Account in Strata Master When you run a single trust account for multiple Strata Plans/Owners Corporations, hereon referred to as Plans, you may from time to time have a credit on the bank statement t...
Exception Report for Bank Download in Strata Master
Exception Report for Bank Download in Strata Master When processing a Bank Download, it is important to print an Exception Report. Ensure the Exception Report is ticked. What is An Exception Report? An exception report lists each transacti...
Ticking 'Banked' on a Receipt in Strata Master
Ticking 'Banked' on a Receipt in Strata Master Summary Learn about all aspects of the 'Banked' tick box located on the receipt screen.. This article will cover these aspects of the 'Banked' tick box : What the Banked tickbox means in the r...
Creating a Receipting Message For a Lot in Strata Master
Creating a Receipting Message For a Lot in Strata Master Summary Learn how to apply a receipting message to a Lot, which will be visible when manually receipting to the Lot through the 'Receipt' icon. Overview It may be necessary to inform...
Generate a List of Receipts in Strata Master
Generate a List of Receipts in Strata Master
There are a few screens or reports that will provide lists of receipts and the right reports would depend on the information you do have at hand. The options are -
Understanding Dating of Receipts In Strata Master
Understanding Dating of Receipts In Strata Master Summary Learn when and how a receipt can be backdated without adversely affecting reports or audits. This article covers - The Repercussions of Backdating Receipts The Warning Message in R...
Reprint a Receipt in Strata Master
Reprint a Receipt in Strata Master
Receipts are generally not printed at the time of receiving funds due to the electronic manner of payments.
This article will assist should you be asked to print a receipt after the recei...