New Articles

  1. Annual or 6 Monthly Management Fees in Strata Master

    Annual or 6 Monthly Management Fees in Strata Master Some Management Agreements with Strata Plans denote the charge of Management Fees as an Annual Charge, 6 monthly or even quarterly. The Standard Management Fee in Strata Master is set as a Mo...
  2. Waiving a Debt Recovery Fee in Strata Master

    Waiving a Debt Recovery Fee in Strata Master This article will assist you in waiving or removing a debt recovery fee in Strata Master. When a fee is waived this does not remove the debt recovery stage record on the Lot Owners Card . To remove fro...
  3. Cheque Presented At Bank for a Different Amount Than in Strata Master

    Cheque Presented At Bank for a Different Amount Than in Strata Master This article will assist you when you find a cheque listed on the Bank Statement for a different amount to the recorded amount in Strata Master. Causes of Differing Amounts Che...
  4. Understanding a Lot Owner Ledger

    Understanding a Lot Owner Ledger This article will assist to clarify the Lot Owner Ledger so that you are able to understand what has been posted, whether the posted levies have been paid and if so, when and much more. The list below outlines the m...
  5. Cannot Backup in Strata Master

    Cannot Backup in Strata Master This article is designed to assist you when you already know how to backup your data, however the normal process is not working. Backups are very important and recommended that there be at least one backup run each d...
  6. Edit or Delete a Quantity Management Fee in Strata Master

    Edit or Delete a Quantity Management Fee in Strata Master You can preview most Quantity Management Fees in Strata Master prior to running the Management Fees. If the fee has already been 'run' and is in the creditor Invoicing screen, you c...
  7. Error pdftk.exe Has Stopped Working in Strata Master

    Error "pdftk.exe Has Stopped Working" in Strata Master This article refers to a message "pdftk.exe has stopped working" when emailing, printing and producing reports. The Cause of the Error Message Pdftk.exe has stopped ...
  8. How to Process a Receipt for Cash or Cheque in Strata Master

    How to Process a Receipt for Cash or Cheque in Strata Master (Basic Receipting) There are receipts when cash or cheque is received, where the funds need to be taken to the bank.  This article will cover the receipt for funds not yet showing o...
  9. VCAT Notices in Strata Master

    VCAT Notices in Strata Master VCAT Notices are required to be attached to documents such as Levy Notices and Debt Recovery Notices for Strata Plans / Owners Corporations in Victoria. That article will step through the set up of the document within...
  10. Attendees List Not Populating in the Meeting Minutes in Strata Master

    Attendees List Not Populating in the Meeting Minutes in Strata Master The Attendees list is a merge field in the Strata Master meting templates.  In some cases this field is accidentally removed from the meeting or from the Template. If this ...