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  1. Balance Sheet Receivables does not Correspond with Levy Position Report in Strata Master

    Balance Sheet Receivables does not Correspond with Levy Position Report in Strata Master The Receivables-Levies figures in the Balance Sheet Also known as the Statement of Financial Position, as highlighted below should balance with the arre...
  2. Pay GST Component Only of an Invoice in Strata Master

    Pay GST Component Only of an Invoice in Strata Master Where there is a large insurance claim such as a Home Warranty Defect settlement, often the insurance company will pay the contractor directly.   This will result in the Agency being requi...
  3. Submetering Units Must be Positive in Strata Master

    Submetering Units Must be Positive in Strata Master If a message appears when you are processing sub metering invoices, and the message refers to "Units Must be Positive", the message is referring to a field or total that shows a negative...
  4. Add an Account to Chart of Accounts in Strata Master

    Add an Account to Chart of Accounts in Strata Master The Chart of Accounts in your data commences with a standard set of accounts which includes accounts which are - hard wired to receive or send information to other accounts hard wired to sen...
  5. Changing Agenda Motions in the Meeting Wizard in Strata Master

    Changing Agenda Motions in the Meeting Wizard in Strata Master It may be necessary to change an Agenda motion while you are preparing the Agenda in the Meeting Wizard.  You can make changes temporarily, in that the changes will affect only thi...
  6. What Does Full Page Mean in Agenda Configuration in Strata Master

    What Does "Full Page" Mean in Agenda Configuration in Strata Master In the Meeting Agenda and Minutes set up, there is column to tick for 'Full page" as you will see highlighted in the screenshot below. You will notice that i...
  7. Auto Reversing Journals in Strata Master

    Auto Reversing Journals in Strata Master These journal entries are used to reflect Balance Day or End of Financial Year Adjustments. Can these journals be used for purposes other than end of financial year adjustments ? Similar journals can be...
  8. Creditor Invoice is Not Paying in Strata Master

    Creditor Invoice is Not Paying in Strata Master This article will assist when you have been paying creditors and find that, checking the outstanding creditors report, there are one or more invoices that did not pay. Background to the Pay Process ...
  9. List of Excluded Lots and Payment Plans in Strata Master

    List of Excluded Lots and Payment Plans in Strata Master It is possible to exclude a Plan, or Lots from Debt Recovery, and to also note some Plans as being on an arranged payment plan.  Once on a payment plan, the Lot is also Excluded form Deb...
  10. Duplicate CRN message in Creditors BPay in Strata Master

    Duplicate CRN message in Creditors BPay in Strata Master When processing creditor invoices, you may receive a message that the CRN you are entering is already recorded, or a duplicate. Where are CRN's recorded? In the Contact card for each cr...