Updated Articles

  1. How to Allocate Overpaid Rent or Tenant Invoice Credit to New Property

    How to Allocate Overpaid Rent or Tenant Invoice Credit to New Property Overview You may have a vacating tenant who has paid past their vacating date or has funds held in Tenant Invoice Credit, however the tenant is moving from one property that yo...
  2. Adding a Dummy Plan to Test Owner Portals in Strata Master

    Adding a Dummy Plan to Test Owner Portals in Strata Master This article is create simply to provide an option to Strata Managers who wish to be able to check that Owner Portals are accessible and to review how data is being represented. The provis...
  3. fileSMART Workflow Assist stop processing emails for clients with Microsoft Office 365

    File Smart Workflow Assist stop processing emails for clients with Microsoft Office 365 This document is designed to be used by either your IT Provider or an IT savvy user. If you are currently using Microsoft Office 365 and File Smart Workflow ...
  4. Receipt a GST Refund in Strata Master

    Receipt a GST Refund in Strata Master After your business has lodged the BAS return figures for your Plans (also known as Body Corporate, and a number of other terms) with the Taxation office, you may receive a refund of gst for one or more of the ...
  5. Balance Sheet Receivables does not Correspond with Levy Position Report in Strata Master

    Balance Sheet Receivables does not Correspond with Levy Position Report in Strata Master The Receivables-Levies figures in the Balance Sheet Also known as the Statement of Financial Position, as highlighted below should balance with the arre...
  6. BAS Report - Reconciliation of GST Control in Strata Master

    BAS Report - Reconciliation of GST Control in Strata Master When BAS returns are prepared for each corporation the Reconciliation or Confirmation table at the foot of the BAS report should be checked and differences should be identified and corre...
  7. Checks and Balances in Strata Master

    Checks and Balances in Strata Master There are a few accounts which process internally when you make an entry or transact, meaning that figures checked in 2 reports or screens should agree. These are "checks and balances". These checks s...
  8. Unpresent a Presented Payment in Strata Master

    Unpresent a Presented Payment in Strata Master If you accidentally tick a payment presented in the bank reconciliation, you will need to 'unpresent' the payment to show the payment in the bank reconciliation list again. It would not be adv...
  9. Strata Plan Has 2 or More Street Frontages and Addresses in Strata Master

    Strata Plan Has 2 or More Street Frontages and Addresses in Strata Master It is possible that a Strata Plan has Lots with different street addresses.  This can occur when a Strata Plan is on a corner block or has Lo9ts that back onto each othe...
  10.  Strata Master Top Tip #46 - Plan with Multiple Addresses

    Managing Plans with Multiple Addresses  This tip covers how you can set up a plan that has multiple street addresses, from large developments to properties on corner blocks, and how the system can help you manage them easily.   ...