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  1. Debt Recovery Template is Blank or Not Correct In Strata Master

    Debt Recovery Template is Blank or Not Correct In Strata Master When you process your Debt Recovery, it is always a good idea to process one Lot from each stage, and ensuring that the Template has not been moved or changed in some way. You may fin...
  2. Pay GST Component Only of an Invoice in Strata Master

    Pay GST Component Only of an Invoice in Strata Master Where there is a large insurance claim such as a Home Warranty Defect settlement, often the insurance company will pay the contractor directly.   This will result in the Agency being required t...
  3.  Strata Master Top Tip #120 - Multiple Receipting

    Strata Master Top Tip #120 - Multiple Receipting While you may be familiar with the single receipting method, it can cause data errors if you’re using it in a bulk lot payment. Check out the video on how you can easily use the multiple receipting m...
  4.  Strata Master Top Tip #106 - Track High Value Owners

    The linked lots tab makes it simple to view and navigate to other lots owned by a single owner. It’s also easy to add an existing owner to a new lot, as well as to consolidate multiple records for the same owner. SHOW LESS ...
  5. Mail Merge Error 4605 in Strata Master

    Mail Merge Error 4605 in Strata Master If you receive a 4605 error you would be asking Strata Master to merge to a Template, letter or other document. When merging, you are asking Strata Master to 'cooperate' or link to a document in another platfo...
  6. BPay in Strata Master Rejected by the Bank After Upload

    BPay in Strata Master Rejected by the Bank After Upload The article will assist when a Bulk BPay has been successfully uploaded, but one or more payments on that file are rejected by the Bank the next day.  There are some banks that accept the BPa...
  7. Recording Insurance Claim Funds Received in Strata Master

    Recording Insurance Claim Funds Received in Strata Master When an insurance claim is made, you will most likely receive a claim payment to your bank account as a direct credit or as a cheque. Receipting the funds are easily done.  The major part o...
  8. File Smart Configuration in Strata Master

    File Smart Configuration in Strata Master This article only applies to those businesses that use File Smart as the document management system for Strata Master. If you receive an error message referring to Configuration or settings, check these se...
  9. Change a Biller Code on a Creditor Payment in Strata Master

    Change a Biller Code on a Creditor Payment in Strata Master Bpay payments to creditors will require a Biller Code or Biller ID. This article will show you where to edit this information. An Example The example payment below for Sydney Water has a...
  10. Access A Full Owner Ledger for Earlier Periods in Strata Master

    Access A Full Owner Ledger for Earlier Periods in Strata Master You may have noticed that the Owner Ledger accessed through the Corp screen Lots tab, only covers the last 2 years, or you may ahve noticed receipts that have no levy number beside the...