

Merging Duplicate Owner Cards Strata
Merging Duplicate Owner Cards Strata Master When Lot Owners have more than one Lot, they may be linked to One Owner Card. This allows contact details to be updated on more than one Lot in one process. Although at times a Lot Owner may wish to have...
Unlink Owner Lots that are Linked in Strata Master
Unlink Owner Lots that are Linked in Strata Master You may have Lots that are linked, and this notation is on the Lot Owner Card, beneath the " Main contact for owner" record - As always please read through this article before actionin...
Find a Lot Linked to a Bounced Agent Email in Strata Master
Find a Lot Linked to a Bounced Agent Email in Strata Master In Strata Master, Lots can record a unique email address for Levy notices.  This ensures that the person receiving the Levy Notice actions the invoice.  When levies are sent to P...
Can I Delete a Lot in Strata Master
Can I Delete a Lot in Strata Master The deleting of Lots is not recommended in Strata Master and you should not be able to do so. A message should pop up telling you that the Lot cannot be deleted. The reason for this is that the Lot has been pos...
Change a Name on a Lot in Strata Master
Change a Name on a Lot in Strata Master There are 2 occasions when a name is changed on a Lot - 1. The Lot has been sold and has a new owner. 2. The name was initially entered incorrectly and requires editing. This article will assist you with...
Link Lots in Strata Master
Link Lots in Strata Master When adding a new Lot or editing a Sold Lot, and the owner/new owner already owns a Lot that you manage, you can link the Lots. When Lots are linked, there is a tab that lists the Linked lots. When the legal Owner name ...
Access A Full Owner Ledger for Earlier Periods in Strata Master
Access A Full Owner Ledger for Earlier Periods in Strata Master You may have noticed that the Owner Ledger accessed through the Corp screen Lots tab, only covers the last 2 years, or you may ahve noticed receipts that have no levy number beside the...
Existing Strata Plan Lot is Subdivided to 2 or more Lots in Strata Master
Existing Strata Plan Lot is Subdivided to 2 or more Lots in Strata Master This article will provide guidance when a Lot has been subdivided, on the steps required to  record changes on the existing Lot and add new Lots. Your circumstance is ...
Debt Recovery Message When Changing Owner on a Lot in Strata Master
Debt Recovery Message When Changing Owner on a Lot in Strata Master When applying a Change of Ownership,  a message may be received that the Lot is subject to Debt Recovery or there are Debt Recovery Charges on the ledger. The message can prev...
Change an Agent on a Lot in Strata Master
Change an Agent on a Lot in Strata Master Summary Learn how to change the Agent recorded on a Lot, from one Agent to another Agent. Note : It is important to not 'swap' the Agents. Doing so may prevent purging of the Agent c...