Updated Articles

  1. Methods of Recording for Special Purposes in Strata Master

    Methods of Recording for Special Purposes in Strata Master There are various methods of recording for special purposes in Strata Master, depending on your Owners Corporation requirements for reporting. It is recommended that you review each optio...
  2. Bank Statement to Show Creditor Name from Strata Master

    Bank Statement to Show Creditor Name from Strata Master When you make payments to creditors, it is preferable that the Bank Statement shows the relevant creditors name so that you can quickly note which payments to tick as presented on your bank re...
  3. Account Required is Not Found in Selection Given in Strata Master

    Account Required is Not Found in Selection Given in Strata Master The drop down selections for General Ledger Accounts are found in a variety of processes. The options selected here will assist you to work out why you cannot find the account numbe...
  4. How To Tick Off Transactions - Bank Reconciliation

    How To Tick Off Transactions - Bank Reconciliation Strata In this age of paperless transactions and monitor screens, it is difficult to accurately tick off transactions when a bank reconciliation does not balance. Ticking off transactions is also ...
  5. How to Enter a Rent Increase in Rest Professional

    How to Enter a Rent Increase in Rest Professional REST allows you to enter a rent increases recorded against Tenant Details that will take effect on a future date. If the rent increase does not fall on the anniversary date of the rent (i.e. the...
  6. Cancel or Reprint Debt Recovery Notices

    Cancel or Reprint Debt Recovery Notices in Strata Master This article will assist you when - 1. you have run your debt recovery and the Notices have not saved to your document management, or 2. you have run your debt recovery and an error ...
  7. Cancelling Management Fees after Cancelled Debt Recovery Run in Strata Master

    Cancelling Management Fees after Cancelled Debt Recovery Run in Strata Master When running debt recovery stages, there is a management fee that will process automatically as set up in your Configure > Debt Recovery screen. The article will assi...
  8. File Smart PrintMail - Send emails using Microsoft Office365 (SMTP)

    File Smart PrintMail - Sending emails using Microsoft Office365 (SMTP) This document is designed to be used by either your IT Provider or an IT savvy user. If you are currently using Microsoft Office 365 to send emails through PrintMail, you may...
  9. Receipting Unidentified Funds to a Single Trust Account in Strata Master

    Receipting Unidentified Funds to a Single Trust Account in Strata Master When you run a single trust account for multiple Strata Plans/Owners Corporations, hereon referred to as Plans, you may from time to time have a credit on the bank statement t...
  10. Entering Lot Arrears After Take On Opening Balances Completed in Strata Master

    Entering Lot Arrears After Take On Opening Balances Completed in Strata Master When you take on a new Strata Plan from another Strata Manager, you are usually provided with the status of each Lot, and these details are entered to Opening Balances. ...