Updated Articles

  1. Journals to correct GST on Receipts in Strata Master

    Journals to Correct GST on Receipts in Strata Master When funds have been receipted with the incorrect GST component it will be necessary to create two journal entries to correct this transaction.   Note that this article only relates to Owne...
  2. Enhanced SMS Guide

    Enhanced Rockend SMS Integration in Strata Master Strata Master Version 12 introduces Rockend Enhanced SMS Integration which allows single and bulk SMS messages to be sent via an online service for Strata Master customers who use Rockend SMS wit...
  3. Budget is Not Showing in Report in Strata Master

    Budget is Not Showing in Report in Strata Master The Budget is set with a date 'from' and the budget shows all transactions for 12 months from that date. This article will assist when you are opening a Balance Sheet or Income & Expendi...
  4. Guidance for Removing Invalid Redirected Printers in Strata Master

    Guidance for Removing Invalid Redirected Printers in Strata Master Overview On some terminal server environments and computers accessed via remote desktop, copies of Redirected Printers may accumulate in the registry which can cause an error 5707 ...
  5. Recording Insurance Claim Funds Received in Strata Master

    Recording Insurance Claim Funds Received in Strata Master When an insurance claim is made, you will most likely receive a claim payment to your bank account as a direct credit or as a cheque. Receipting the funds are easily done.  The major p...
  6. Recording Insurance Claim Details in Strata Master

    Recording Insurance Claim Details in Strata Master Insurance claim information can be recorded in Strata Master and  Show in Reminders. Be finalised in receipts when receipting claim funds. Show amounts claimed and amounts actually refunde...
  7. Arrears Figures For A Past Date in Strata Master

    Arrears Figures For A Past Date in Strata Master The Aged Arrears report in Strata Master is always produced as at the date that you generate the report. The current date is the date that is most applicable to managing arrears and debt recovery. I...
  8. Add a Creditor in Strata Master

    Add a Creditor in Strata Master This article will assist you to add a creditor in Strata Master, also known as a contractor or a supplier, for the purposes of payment invoices for works done or services provided. Locate the Creditor Cards 1. Navi...
  9. Update a BPAY CRN (Reference) number in Strata Master

    Update a BPAY CRN (Reference) Number in Strata Master This article will assist you when -  payments are rejecting at Bank due to the incorrect CRN Reference number you are processing creditor invoices and note that there are a number of CRN...
  10. Change a Biller Code on a Creditor Payment in Strata Master

    Change a Biller Code on a Creditor Payment in Strata Master Bpay payments to creditors will require a Biller Code or Biller ID. This article will show you where to edit this information. An Example The example payment below for Sydney Water has a...