Updated Articles

  1. Property Regular Payments Report

    Property Regular Payments Report From version 20.0.05, the Property Regular Payments Report allows you to report on information saved in the Reg. Payments Tab of the Property Master File. This report includes Creditor details, reference numbers for...
  2. How Single Trusts and Individual Trusts Differ in Strata Master

    How Single Trusts and Individual Trusts Differ in Strata Master This list is a guide of the main differences between the 2 type of Trusts in Strata Master - Single Trust is where the Strata Plans share a common bank account, usually referred as t...
  3. REST Professional New Zealand End of Financial Year Procedure (if ran End of Month before 1st April)

    NZ - What to do if you run your End of Month Process and Files Update Before 1 April Overview If you run your End of Month process and Files Update prior to 1 st April, do not  complete another Files Update. You have already closed off t...
  4. REST Professional End of Financial Year Procedure for New Zealand

    Rest Professional End of Financial Year Procedure for New Zealand Overview In New Zealand, you are required to rollover your financial year on 1st April to include all transactions on your bank statement up to and including 31st March. The followi...
  5. Rollover a Financial Year in Strata Master

    Rollover a Financial Year in Strata Master Once a Financial Year End has passed and the AGM has been held, you may be ready to update the Financial Year End date on the Corp Screen. This is called rolling the Year over, or processing a rollover. ...
  6. Balance Sheet Does Not Balance

    What to do if a balance sheet is not balancing
  7. Transferring Investment Funds from One Investment to Another Investment in Strata Master

    Transferring Investment Funds from One Investment to Another Investment in Strata Master This article is to assist you when you have funds in one Investment Account and you need to move the funds to another Investment account within the same Strata...
  8. Reconciling an Investment Account

    Reconciling an Investment Account This article will assist you to enter interest and fees to balance to an Investment Account Bank Statement or Notice of Balance. - When interest is earned, the bank will add it to the investment account balance h...
  9. Fees Charged for Closed Investment Account in Strata Master

    Fees Charged for Closed Investment Account in Strata Master When you have closed an Investment Account and 'redeemed' the balance of funds back to the Operating Trust Account, your Bank may charge fees. You will generally find that the Ban...
  10. Bank Download Failed

    Bank Download Failed This article will assist you to manage failures where the reports do not print or the download fails part way through and does not complete. If reports do not print, they cannot be reprinted. If you use Filesmart as your docu...