Updated Articles

  1. Cancel a Cheque in Strata Master

    Cancel a Cheque in Strata Master This article will assist you to cancel an unpresented   cheque when the cheque is recent and when the cheque is lost or stale (old). The first part will cover how to cancel the cheque and then cover the extra...
  2. Annual or 6 Monthly Management Fees in Strata Master

    Annual or 6 Monthly Management Fees in Strata Master Some Management Agreements with Strata Plans denote the charge of Management Fees as an Annual Charge, 6 monthly or even quarterly. The Standard Management Fee in Strata Master is set as a Mo...
  3. How to Credit a Lot in Strata Master

    How to Credit a Lot in Strata Master  Overview Crediting a Lot can be used when providing a Lot Owner with a refund for something paid on behalf of the Owners Corporation or when a Lot Owner has paid interest that is to be credited back to th...
  4. Journals to Correct GST on Payments in Strata Master

    Journals to Correct GST on Payments in Strata Master Note that the Correction is made to the invoice transaction and NOT the Payment . The process of making the payment is the second part of paying a creditor and does not include any details of th...
  5. Edit a Status (Section) Certificate Template in Strata Master

    Edit a Status ( Section ) Certificate Template in Strata Master Status Certificate Templates can be edited, with items added, moved or removed as required. Note that the Status Certificates - for each State are provided in such a way as to provi...
  6. Changing Agenda Motions in the Meeting Wizard in Strata Master

    Changing Agenda Motions in the Meeting Wizard in Strata Master It may be necessary to change an Agenda motion while you are preparing the Agenda in the Meeting Wizard.  You can make changes temporarily, in that the changes will affect only thi...
  7. Change Order of Agenda Items in a Meeting in Strata Master

    Change Order of Agenda Items in a Meeting in Strata Master While there is a Meeting Agenda template with an order of agenda items, from time to time, it may be preferred to change the order.  You cna change the order of Agenda items when creat...
  8. Link Lots in Strata Master

    Link Lots in Strata Master When adding a new Lot or editing a Sold Lot, and the owner/new owner already owns a Lot that you manage, you can link the Lots. When Lots are linked, there is a tab that lists the Linked lots. When the legal Owner name ...
  9. Template Folder Prior To and After an Upgrade in Strata Master

    Template Folder Prior To and After an Upgrade in Strata Master The Template folder is  replaced during an upgrade, to basic Templates, however,  it carries any Updated Templates or New Templates that accompany Upgrade changes. Refer to...
  10. Reversing a Status Report Fee Receipt Strata Master

    Reversing a Status Report Fee Receipt in Strata Master Should a Conveyancer/Solicitor or a Lot Owner pay a Fee for a Status Report (Certificate) twice, you will have a duplicate receipt.  You will be asked to refund the duplicate payment. Sin...