Updated Articles

  1. Use Quick Pay to Pay a Lot Owner or Creditor in Strata Master

    Use Quick Pay to Pay a Lot Owner or Creditor in Strata Master Quick Pay is an option for - 1. Paying a Creditor by cheque where an invoice is being paid immediately. 2. Paying any other payee, including Lot Owners, by EFT (direct entry) or by che...
  2. How to Pay Invoices Already Entered in Creditor Invoicing in Strata Master

    How to Pay Invoices Already Entered in Creditor Invoicing in Strata Master This article will assist you to Pay invoices that have been previously entered to the creditor invoicing screen.  This is the next step in the processing of creditors...
  3. Strata Master System Requirements

    Strata Master System Requirements                    Full System Requirements Documentation The following are minimum and recommended system requirements for Strata Master. Whilst the p...
  4. Rest Professional System Requirements

    Rest Professional System Requirements                    Full System Requirements Documentation The following are minimum and recommended system requirements for Rest Professional. Whilst th...
  5. File Smart System Requirements

    File Smart System Requirements                            Full System Requirements Documentation Server Requirements File Smart allows multiple users to run the ...
  6. How to Process Invoices in Strata Master

    How to Enter / Process Invoices in Strata Master Invoices can be entered/processed in a number of ways - 1. In Strata Master in the Creditor Invoicing screen 2. In Strata Master in the Quick Pay screen -  https://kb.rockend.com/help/payment...
  7. Error 429 in Strata Master

    Error 429 in Strata Master A screenshot of a 429 error message is below. If your error message is the same as this, then read on. The Cause of the Error The error is caused by components of the Microsoft Office Software. The Resolution ...
  8. Microsoft Outlook Pop Up Message When Emailing from Strata Master

    Microsoft Outlook Pop Up Message When Emailing from Strata Master Are you receiving an annoying repetitive pop up message that looks like the screenshot below ?  It is a Microsoft Outlook popup that asks you to allow a program to access your i...
  9. Printer or Print Preview Problems

    Printer or Print Preview Problems in Strata Master This article will assist you to check your printer set up if you are experiencing a printer, or print preview, problem. There are many causes of printer issues, and this article will only cover the...
  10. Cancel a Cheque in Strata Master

    Cancel a Cheque in Strata Master This article will assist you to cancel an unpresented   cheque when the cheque is recent and when the cheque is lost or stale (old). The first part will cover how to cancel the cheque and then cover the extra...