SMS Not Working When Sending Levies or Debt Recovery Reminders from Strata Master This article will assist where users are able to send manual individual SMS but unable to send SMS by Bulk through Levies Issuance or Debt Recovery. For general setu...
Bing Mailroom Printing in Strata Master Bing Mailroom is a Third Party Application and is not integrated with Strata Master. MRI Support is unable to support issues with Mailroom printing except for some minor checks. How Does Mailroom Work? Mail...
Add An Existing Expense to a Group in Strata Master This article will assist you when you are instructed to - add, or include, or link, an invoice expense to a Group, where it is currently not linked to a group. change the group linked or added...
BPay in Strata Master Rejected by the Bank After Upload The article will assist when a Bulk BPay has been successfully uploaded, but one or more payments on that file are rejected by the Bank the next day. There are some banks that accept the BPa...
Enter a Credit Note From a Supplier/Creditor in Strata Master When a supplier/creditor is overpaid, they will usually reduce the next invoice that is sent through. From time to time, you may instead receive a credit note from a supplier that has b...
Locating an Un-Managed Plan or Part Entered Plan in Strata Master This article will assist when - you have commenced creating a new plan, but have not yet entered the management commenced date. you have a plan returning management to your agency...
Entering Lot Details Into the "Levies" Tab In Opening Balance Entry Screen In Strata Master This article is a reminder to assist you when entering Lot Details into Opening Balances, assuming you have attended a Training Session or have some experie...
Opening/Closing Balances on Budget Screen in Strata Master This article refers to the opening and closing balance figures showing on the lower edge of the Budget Maintenance screen. This screen is a snapshot of the Statement of Financial Performa...
Waiving a Debt Recovery Fee in Strata Master This article will assist you in waiving or removing a debt recovery fee in Strata Master. When a fee is waived this does not remove the debt recovery stage record on the Lot Owners Card . To remove fro...
Taking On a Previously Managed Plan Sometimes you lose a Plan to another Strata Manager, only to be asked to manage it again months or years later. This article sets out your options. If you are taking on a Plan that you have NOT previously manage...