Popular Articles

  1. How to Transfer a Holiday Booking from One Property to Another

    How to Transfer a Holiday Booking from One Property to Another Overview You may have a guest that is transferring from one property to another.  This document will assist you to transfer the existing booking to another property prior ...
  2. File Changes Report in REST Professional

    File Changes Report in REST Professional Overview The file changes report records a list of changes made to Owner details, Creditor Details, Vendors and Buyer Details and various other changes made in REST. For each entry, the report sho...
  3.  Getting Started with Tenant Invoice Credit

    Getting Started with Tenant Invoice Credit Gain an understanding of the tenant invoice credit feature, and learn how to set up and configure Tenant Invoice Credit in this short 2 minute video. ...
  4.  Editing an Outstanding Disbursement

    Editing an Outstanding Disbursement Learn how to edit an outstanding disbursement already created in REST Professional in this short 1 minute video. ...
  5. fileSMART for STRATA Master Workflow QR Code Setup and Use Guide

    fileSMART for STRATA Master Workflow QR Code Setup and Use Guide Introduction fileSMART Barcoded workflow has been updated to include QR Codes. QR is short for Quick Response and these 2 dimensional barcodes work in the same way as standar...
  6. Checklist - New Plan Not Managed

    Checklist - New Plan Not Managed Things to check if a plan is not showing as managed  and it should be: Check that a bank account has been assigned. In the “Corp” screen, Bank Acct tab, under the field “Main Bank Acc...
  7. REST Professional Owner & Tenant Portal Brochure Template

    REST Professional Owner & Tenant Portal Brochure Template Click here to Download the Microsoft Word Template ...
  8. Changing a Holiday Booking Amount in REST Professional

    Changing a Holiday Booking Amount in REST Professional Overview You may have a scenario where one of your Holiday Booking tenants lengthen or decrease their stay from the original dates booked. In most cases, the tenant may have paid ...
  9. How to Setup Web Advertising for Domain in Rest Professional

    How to Setup Web Advertising for Domain in Rest Professional Overview Domain can be configured to upload all property listings from Rest Professional, along with Advertising contacts to be listed with each property Ad. It is a requirement by Domai...
  10. REST Professional Owner & Tenant Portal Brochure Template Instructions

    REST Professional Owner & Tenant Portal Brochure Template Instructions The Owner & Tenant Portal Brochure can be used to educate current clients or add to your business  development presentations to help you grow your business. Follo...