Common Questions

Browse Solutions to Common fileSMART Questions


How do I upgrade to the latest Version of File Smart?
How do I use the Workflow feature in fileSMART?
This quick video tutorial shows you how to use the new ad-hoc workflow feature in fileSMART version 5.5. It also has a brief overview of the barcode invoice workflow!
How to prevent emails from fileSMART PrintMail being blocked as spam
How to prevent emails from fileSMART PrintMail being blocked as spam Overview Owners, tenants, or creditors may contact you to advise they are not receiving emails you’ve sent them from fileSMART PrintMail, for example Owner Statements and...
How to Clear a User Licence
How to Clear a User Licence  The Manage Users function in fileSMART Archive allows you to add, disable and edit the users who are able to log into fileSMART. This can only be performed by a user with administrator rights. To avoid accidental change...
How do I provide fileSMART Access to a Strata Searcher?
Providing fileSMART Access to a Strata Searcher Strata managers are often required to provide access to the records and correspondence of a strata plan, usually at the request of prospective unit purchasers or their representatives. In a paper offi...
Items to be Excluded From AVG Firewall and AV
Items to be Excluded From Firewall and Antivirus Files  C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockend\fileSMART Client\Archive\FileSMART.exe  C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockend\fileSMART Client\Printer\del64.exe  C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockend\fileSMA...
PDFs in fileSMART Archive Open in a Separate Window
PDFs in fileSMART Archive Open in a Separate Window If you are using Adobe Reader 10 Open Adobe Reader 10 and go to Edit > Preferences > Internet Tick ‘Display in Browser’ If you are using Adobe Reade...
How to Disable a User in fileSMART Archive
How to Disable a User in fileSMART Archive If you have a staff member leave your team, you will want to disable their access to fileSMART. We recommend that if you have a new team member replacing an old staff member, that you disable to old fi...
How do I install fileSMART PrintMail
fileSMART PrintMail Installation Guide Follow these steps to install PrintMail on a workstation that already has fileSMART Archive installed: 1. Open your Windows menu and search for and run the fileSMART Client Installer (this will a...
How do I add a user in fileSMART Archive?
How to Add a New User in fileSMART The Manage Users function in  fileSMART  allows you to add, disable and edit the users who are able to log into  fileSMART . This can only be performed by a user with administrator rights. To avoid acciden...
How do I Bulk Edit Documents in fileSMART Archive?
How to Bulk Edit Documents in fileSMART Archive If you have Bulk Edit permissions then you will be able to edit multiple documents at the same time. This is useful if you need to change labels for many documents from one criteria to another. Fo...
How to Attach a PDF to a Collation
How to Attach a PDF to a Collation When doing a collation, you have the ability to add an attachment to a collation in addition to the collated documents set up in your job design i.e. a general notice or advertisement that needs to be sent to ...
Why is the text jumbled when I print a PDF to the fileSMART Archive Printer?
Why is the text jumbled when I print a PDF to the fileSMART Archive Printer? Overview When a PDF document is printed to the f ileSMART Archive printer, sometimes the resulting TIF document is unreadable. This is a known issue with PDFs and is the...
Setting up Scanning to fileSMART
Setting up Scanning to fileSMART Users must be correctly configured to a scanner to allow the importation of documents for subsequent processing by fileSMART. However, the process of scanning documents between a scanner and workstation or serve...
How to do End of Month with fileSMART PrintMail
How to do End of Month with fileSMART PrintMail Sending your statements to fileSMART From REST Professional Creditor Remittances can be printed to the fileSMART PrintMail printer and be automatically archived to the individual credi...
Why can't I open fileSMART Archive after I log in?
Why can't I open fileSMART Archive after I log in? Overview When the user tries to login to fileSMART Archive the program doesn’t open, and if the user tries to open it again a message is displayed ‘Only one instance of this Application ma...
How do I set up Scanning to fileSMART Archive?
Setting up Scanning to fileSMART Users must be correctly configured to a scanner to allow the importation of documents for subsequent processing by fileSMART. However, the process of scanning documents between a scanner and workstation or serve...
Issue Printing to File Smart - Unable to Open File
Issue Printing to File Smart - Unable to Open File Overview When printing to File Smart Archive, you may have an error where the tif file is unable to be opened. The following instructions will assist to overcome this issue.  Solution Open the ...