Investment Accounts


Closing an Investment Account
Closing an Investment Account Before you close an investment account you need to make sure that the account balance is reconciled. To do this, go to Accounting > Investment Reconciliation. To move the money in the investment account b...
How to Create an Investment Account
How to Create an Investment Account in Strata Master This article will assist you to enter the appropriate settings to enable receipting to a New Investment Account.  This Investment may be one where funds are being transferred from exist...
Reconciling an Investment Account
Reconciling an Investment Account This article will assist you to enter interest and fees to balance to an Investment Account Bank Statement or Notice of Balance. - When interest is earned, the bank will add it to the investment account balance h...
Transferring (Redeeming) Funds from an Investment Account to Strata Master Trust Account
Transfer (Redeem) Funds from an Investment Acct to Strata Master Trust Acct This article will assist you to return Investment funds to the Admin or Capital Works (Sinking/Reserve/Maintenance) Funds.  This return is called 'redeeming' t...
Transferring Investment Funds from One Investment to Another Investment in Strata Master
Transferring Investment Funds from One Investment to Another Investment in Strata Master This article is to assist you when you have funds in one Investment Account and you need to move the funds to another Investment account within the same Strata...
Fees Charged for Closed Investment Account in Strata Master
Fees Charged for Closed Investment Account in Strata Master When you have closed an Investment Account and 'redeemed' the balance of funds back to the Operating Trust Account, your Bank may charge fees. You will generally find that the Ban...