Opening/Closing Balances on Budget Screen in Strata Master This article refers to the opening and closing balance figures showing on the lower edge of the Budget Maintenance screen. This screen is a snapshot of the Statement of Financial Performa...
Cancel Or Edit a Miscellaneous Owner Invoice in Strata Master The process for cancelling a Miscellaneous Owner Invoice (also known as a Miscellaneous Invoice) is the same for Levies for One Owner. Refer to this article - https://kb.rockend.com/...
Add an Additional Debtor in Strata Master The additional debtor function makes it easier to charge an entity that regularly owes the owners corporation money for something – like advertising space or a telecom tower. It can be used for charging n...
Changing Allocation Order of Receipts in Strata Master Refer this article, for an explanation on what an allocation order is, and where the allocation order setting is located in Strata master - https://kb.rockend.com/help/what-is-allocation-orde...
What is Allocation Order of Receipts in Strata Master A Lot Owner Ledger will comprise of various different types of debts that could be due or outstanding at any time a receipt is being processed. These are categorised in Strata Master as - Le...
Issue Lot Owner Statement for One Lot Owner in Strata Master A Lot Owner Statement can be issued through the Levy Wizard or by issuing a Current Owner Account report. In this article we will review both methods. Please note - DO NOT issue Lot O...
Roll Back A Tax Year End in Strata Master Why you may need to roll back a tax year end - the year is out of step and needs to be rolled back, or the reports were run but the printer did not print properly and they need to be reprinted Where ...
Can a General Ledger Account Be Deleted in Strata Master Some general ledger accounts can be deleted, and some cannot. We advise caution in deleting general ledger accounts. You will be unable to delete an account which - is a standard fund ...
Logging a Case on MyMRI Client Portal We understand that you have a busy work environment, and waiting on the phone can reduce productivity. Instead of sitting on hold, you can log and track your cases 24/7 through your personal myMRI Portal . S...
Debt Recovery Template is Blank or Not Correct In Strata Master When you process your Debt Recovery, it is always a good idea to process one Lot from each stage, and ensuring that the Template has not been moved or changed in some way. You may fin...