New Articles

  1. Receipt a GST Refund in Strata Master

    Receipt a GST Refund in Strata Master After your business has lodged the BAS return figures for your Plans (also known as Body Corporate, and a number of other terms) with the Taxation office, you may receive a refund of gst for one or more of the ...
  2. BAS Report - Reconciliation of GST Control in Strata Master

    BAS Report - Reconciliation of GST Control in Strata Master When BAS returns are prepared for each corporation the Reconciliation or Confirmation table at the foot of the BAS report should be checked and differences should be identified and corre...
  3. Unpresent a Presented Payment in Strata Master

    Unpresent a Presented Payment in Strata Master If you accidentally tick a payment presented in the bank reconciliation, you will need to 'unpresent' the payment to show the payment in the bank reconciliation list again. It would not be adv...
  4. Strata Plan Has 2 or More Street Frontages and Addresses in Strata Master

    Strata Plan Has 2 or More Street Frontages and Addresses in Strata Master It is possible that a Strata Plan has Lots with different street addresses.  This can occur when a Strata Plan is on a corner block or has Lo9ts that back onto each othe...
  5. Change or Edit a Time Charge Record in Strata Master

    Change or Edit a Time Charge Record in Strata Master For setting up Time Charging and creating Time Charge records, please refer to this article - To Make a Change to a Time Charge That ...
  6. Time Charging in Strata Master

    Time Charging in Strata Master This article will provide steps to process time charging fees to your management fees. To check that your management fees are set to allow and record time charging, please review this quick video - https://kb.rocken...
  7. Message that All Licences are in Use in Strata Master

    Message that All Licences are in Use in Strata Master If you attempt to log into Strata master and a message appears telling you that all Licences are in use, therefore you cannot log in, there are 2 causes - All users logged in are in fact using...
  8. Error Message Re Cheque Number in Strata Master

    Error Message Re Cheque Number in Strata Master The cheque numbers in Strata Master need to be sequential.  If you change the cheque number of a cheque when issuing, you may find that the next cheque issued returns an error relating to the che...
  9. Checks and Balances in Strata Master

    Checks and Balances in Strata Master There are a few accounts which process internally when you make an entry or transact, meaning that figures checked in 2 reports or screens should agree. These are "checks and balances". These checks s...
  10. Quick List for Checking On-line Voting Set up in Strata Master

    Quick List for Checking Online Voting Set up in Strata Master This article will assist when  setting up online voting a Lot Owner or other registered voter claims they cannot vote online. Some items may not directly apply however is best to...