Updated Articles

  1. Add an Additional Address to a Strata Plan in Strata Master

    Add an Additional Address to a Strata Plan in Strata Master A Strata Plan or Building (referred to as Plan in this article) may have some properties located on roads that are not the main address of the Plan. When Levy Notices are sent, they would ...
  2. Existing Strata Plan Lot is Subdivided to 2 or more Lots in Strata Master

    Existing Strata Plan Lot is Subdivided to 2 or more Lots in Strata Master This article will provide guidance when a Lot has been subdivided, on the steps required to  record changes on the existing Lot and add new Lots. Your circumstance is ...
  3. Creditor Invoice is Not Paying in Strata Master

    Creditor Invoice is Not Paying in Strata Master This article will assist when you have been paying creditors and find that, checking the outstanding creditors report, there are one or more invoices that did not pay. Background to the Pay Process ...
  4. Debt Recovery Message When Changing Owner on a Lot in Strata Master

    Debt Recovery Message When Changing Owner on a Lot in Strata Master When applying a Change of Ownership,  a message may be received that the Lot is subject to Debt Recovery or there are Debt Recovery Charges on the ledger. The message can prev...
  5. Changing Creditor Compliance in Strata Master

    Changing Creditor Compliance in Strata Master Creditor Compliance is the function of maintaining insurance and other compliance requires for Creditors and contractors. Every Agency will make a selection in Strata Master to inform the system how to ...
  6. Search for a Transaction

    Search for a Transaction This article will assist you to see what transactions have already been processed in Strata Master, and is a general guide. Searching for transactions assists you to reconcile your bank statements to Strata Master, ensure ...
  7. Creditor Compliance by Agency in Strata Master

    Creditor Compliance by Agency in Strata Master This article will assist when you are handling Creditor compliance for Licences and Insurances within your office. When creditor compliance is managed by the agency, it means the agency staff are resp...
  8. GST On Opening Balances in Strata Master

    GST On Opening Balances in Strata Master VERY IMPORTANT NOTE -  GST on opening balances only affects Plans that are GST registered, so prior to entering Opening Balances ensure that you have the correct setting in the Corp screen > Fin...
  9. Closing a Group in Strata Master

    Closing a Group in Strata Master This article will assists in the closure of a group, within a Plan, that is no longer required. As closure of a group is likely to require journals, it is anticipated that a person closing a group will have double e...
  10. Understanding Double Entry Accounting

    Understanding Double Entry Accounting Strata Master is a double entry accounting platform. Therefore it creates Balance Sheets and Income & Expenditure reports and other financial reports. This article will assist the recall of those with som...