

Clear Duplicate Statements from fileSMART Printmail
Clear Duplicate Statements from fileSMART Printmail If you have accidentally printed your statements or other documents to Printmail more than once, these will appear as duplicates when they are attached to your email run and you will rec...
Error when Trying to save a PrintMail Generated PDF from within Adobe Reader
Error when trying to save a Print Mail generated PDF from within Adobe Reader Problem:  Error when trying to save a Print Mail generated PDF from within Adobe Reader 11.0.10 or later. Adobe Reader error: 'The document could not be saved. There was...
Documents Sent to Pending Queue by fileSMART Printmail Autoarchive
Documents Sent to Pending Queue by fileSMART Printmail Autoarchive When printing to the fileSMART Printmail Printer, the Autoarchive display will show how many documents have been successfully autoarchived, and which documents are now sitting i...
File Smart Print Mail End of Financial Year Process
File Smart Print Mail EOM & EOFY Statement Process Overview These instructions are intended for clients who wish to use File Smart Print Mail to print and/or email End of Financial Year Statements/Income & Expenditure Reports (EOFY Statemen...
Setting up additional contacts in Rest Professional and File Smart Print Mail
Setting up additional contacts in Rest Professional and File Smart Print Mail Overview Some of the settings used on the owner card (Owner Details > General) and any additional contact card in Rest Professional by customers who also use File Smar...
 fileSMART PrintMail Tutorial
fileSMART PrintMail Tutorial This short video tutorial is designed to step participants through the fileSMART PrintMail end of month process. Learn how to process your end of month using PrintMail including how to resend an owners statement. ...
How to Create a New Job in fileSMART PrintMail
How to Create a New Job in fileSMART PrintMail Click on the Jobs button. Click on the New Button up the top centre of the screen. Type the name of the job template into the Description field e.g. 'Inspection reports' (this descripti...
How to Edit a Job in fileSMART Printmail
How to Edit a Job in fileSMART PrintMail Click on the 'Jobs' Button on the left hand side Choose the Job Template that you would like to change, and click 'Edit' up the top left hand side of your screen. Edit the Description field a...
fileSMART PrintMail Collation and Document Redaction Setup and Use Guide
fileSMART PrintMail Collation and Document Redaction Setup and Use Guide Overview With the introduction of the Owner & Tenant Water invoice workflow using a Tenant Water rates collation in PrintMail will deliver Tenant invoices and water r...
How to Reprint a Document from a Completed Collation
How to Reprint a Document from a Completed Collation It is possible to reprint or re-email documents from previous collations in  fileSMART   PrintMail . This can be useful if you need to resend a statement with attached documents. ...
How to Edit Contact Information in File Smart Print Mail
How Edit Contact Information in File Smart Print Mail The contacts list is automatically populated from the contact information available from your trust account.  Enter a new contact in your trust account and they will appear in the contacts list...
How to Attach a PDF to a Collation in fileSMART Print
How to Attach a PDF to a Collation When doing a collation, you have the ability to add an attachment to a collation in addition to the collated documents set up in your job design i.e. a general notice or advertisement that needs to be sent to ...
How to Send a Newsletter Through fileSMART PrintMail
How to Send a Newsletter Through fileSMART PrintMail fileSMART PrintMail can be used to send out newsletters to your tenants and landlords. In order to do this, you will need to create a separate job design. Follow these steps to send a ne...
How to complete or remove an incomplete collation in fileSMART PrintMail
How to Complete or Remove an Incomplete Collation in fileSMART PrintMail How to Resume a Collation from the In Progress Collations List If you have an incomplete collation in fileSMART PrintMail, you will see a number eg. (1) beside the In...
EOFY Checks for Console and PrintMail
Console and fileSMART PrintMail EOFY checks The following will ensure that Financial Statements printed from the Console Send Assist module to the PrintMail Send Assist printer will be auto archived correctly. 1. The person who does ...