Updated Articles

  1. Invoicing for a Status Certificate in Strata Master

    Invoicing for a Status Certificate in Strata Master A status Certificate is often referred to as a 'Section Certificate' and is related to the Association types in Configure > Association Types. These are provided to external parties by...
  2. Cancelling a Levy Discount Receipt on a Strata Master ledger

    Cancelling a Levy Discount Receipt on a Strata Master ledger When a discount is allowed on a levy receipt, and that receipt is later cancelled, the discount given is not cancelled.  The discount needs to be reversed manually through other mean...
  3. Recording Insurance Premiums in Strata Master

    Recording Insurance Premiums in Strata Master The article will provide answers to the most common questions in regard to Insurance Premium payments. Is GST payable on Insurance Premiums Generally, there is a gst component on insurance premiums, ...
  4. Setting up Debt Recovery templates for different states

    Setting up different Debt Recovery Templates for different states Strata Master applies a preconfigured template when processing each stage of debt recovery. These templates can be added to the Server > Strata > Templates folder. If you wi...
  5. Strata Mobile with STRATA Communicator

    Strata Mobile with Strata Communicator Strata Mobile is a free mobile application for devices such as the iPhone, Android phone, iPad and Android tablet. Strata mobile allows you to access your Strata Property, Owner, Executive, Tenants, Tradespeop...
  6. Levy Discounting User Guide

    Levy Discounting User Guide From Version 5.0 of STRATA Master, the levy discount rate is recorded when the levy is being posted. This  allows for different discount rates being resolved for levies within the same plan. When posting levies ...
  7. How to Setup Web Advertising from Rest to www.realestate.com.au

    How to Setup Web Advertising from Rest Professional to www.realestate.com.au Overview As you have previously been manually uploading to this site, www.realestate.com.au requires unique ID numbers to be set against each of the properties that have ...
  8. Printer Test Strata Master

    Printer Test Strata Master This article will assist identify a printer in Windows Printer Settings and Devices which is causing errors and issues with printing, previewing and more. The printer that causes the issue may not even be elected in Stra...
  9. Steps to Reversing Creditor Payments Strata Master

    Steps to Reversing Creditor Payments Strata Master This article will provide steps to reversing creditor payments, BPay files, ABA/Direct Entry files, Management fees and cheques in brief. What is the Payment Status Now, in other words, Where Is I...
  10. Print a Miscellaneous Owner Invoice or Submeter Invoice

    Print a Miscellaneous Owner Invoice or Submeter Invoice The article will assist you to print or reprint an Owner Invoice. There are 2 methods, through either the Levy Icon or through Levy Journal. Please read through the instructions before c...