Updated Articles

  1. Pay Income Tax in Strata Master

    Pay Income Tax in Strata Master If a Strata Plan is registered to pay income Tax, you will have a Tax File Number entered on the Corp screen in the Financial Tab. You will then be required to pay income tax once the Tax Assessment has been complete...
  2. Management Fee Previous Month Not Processed in Strata Master

    Management Fee Previous Month Not Processed in Strata Master This article will assist where the Management Fees have been processed to current month, however it is believed that a previous months Management Fees were not processed. In this context...
  3. Add a New User or Staff Member - Create Log in Details

    How to Add a New User in Strata Master Overview  This document will take you through the process to create a new user, create a log-in, how to delete users and how to view inactive users for Strata Master. How to Add a New User  The St...
  4. Merging Duplicate Owner Cards Strata

    Merging Duplicate Owner Cards Strata Master When Lot Owners have more than one Lot, they may be linked to One Owner Card. This allows contact details to be updated on more than one Lot in one process. Although at times a Lot Owner may wish to have...
  5. Adding an Agent or Building Manager in Strata Master

    Adding an Agent or Building Manager in Strata Master The agent contact list is accessed when adding a new owner who has an agency managing their property, or when an owner occupier decides to rent their Lot. This article will show you how to - c...
  6. Changing Management Fee for All Plans in Strata Master

    Changing Management Fee for All Plans in Strata Master This article will assist you to change a Management Fee to All Strata Plans in your portfolio, in one Global Change. This is so much simpler than changing each Plan one by one. An example is w...
  7. Unlink Owner Lots that are Linked in Strata Master

    Unlink Owner Lots that are Linked in Strata Master You may have Lots that are linked, and this notation is on the Lot Owner Card, beneath the " Main contact for owner" record - As always please read through this article before actionin...
  8. Invoicing Submeters in Strata Master

    Invoicing Submeters in Strata Master This article covers the process of invoicing for a utility invoice, paid by the Owners Corporation/Plan that needs to be split between various Lots within a Plan. The Lot Owners pay their submeter invoice and th...
  9. Submeter Invoicing Did Not Complete

    Submeter Invoicing Did Not Complete This article will assist you to either complete the process or reset the meter and reprocess the invoice.  As it is not possible to cover every circumstance, please log a case with Strata Master Support if ...
  10. Payments by Quick Pay Strata Master

    Payments by Quick Pay Strata Master This article will assist you to understand when to use Quick Pay, process payments through Quick Pay, along with some information that will assist you to use Quick Pay so as to not create errors in reports. How ...