Updated Articles

  1. How to Activate Clearing Statements in REST Professional

    How to Activate Clearing Statements in REST Professional Overview Clearing statements will show only transactions since the last statement was cleared, unlike the non-clearing statements which will show all transactions in the current period reg...
  2. Printing a Phantom Levy Notice in Strata Master

     Printing a Phantom Levy Notice in Strata Master What is a Phantom Levy ? When an owners corporation is first loaded into STRATA Master, either when an agency commences to manage it, or when a portfolio is converted from another strata manage...
  3. DEFT Creditors Setup and Use guide for Rest v15.0.06

    DEFT Creditors Setup and Use guide for Rest v15.0.06 Note: The below functionality has been removed in Rest Professional Version 20 as it is no longer required. As of 1 October 2016, DEFT levy notices are subject to a Macquarie Bank processing f...
  4. How to Add direct Deposit Details to Tenant Invoices & Statements

    How to Add Direct Deposit Details to Tenant Invoices & Statements From Rest Professional Version 20, there is a system option to allow you to display Direct Deposit details for your Trust Account, on your Tenant invoices and statements. To con...
  5. How to Create and Delete a Tenant Invoice

    How to Create and Delete a Tenant Invoice Overview A tenant may be responsible to pay for other charges other than rent, such as water usage & outgoings. In Rest you can create an invoice against the tenant for such charges. This document wi...
  6. How to Process a Bond Disbursement

    How to Process a Bond Disbursement Overview When bond monies are collected from the tenant (or government agency) they are receipted to the tenants bond. This is done through Transactions > Rent Receipts and clicking on the Payments tab. The bo...
  7.  Processing a Bond Disbursement

    Processing a Bond Disbursement Learn how to process a disbursement from REST Professional to your bond authority using the Bond Disbursement Wizard in this short video. Note: These instructions do not include enhancements made to this featur...
  8.  Rest Professional Tenant Invoice Credit & Refund Webinar

    Gain an understanding of the tenant invoice credit feature in Rest Professional and how it can make life easier. Ensure you can confidently refund the correct amount of overpaid rent to a tenant every time. Note: These instructions do not inclu...
  9.  Receipting and Applying Tenant Invoice Credit

    Receipting and Applying Tenant Invoice Credit Learn how to receipt tenant funds to tenant invoice credit, and learn how to apply tenant invoice credit funds when creating a tenant invoice. Note: These instructions do not include enhancements m...
  10.  How to Allocate Tenant Invoice Credit

    How to Allocate Tenant Invoice Credit Learn how to apply funds receipted in tenant invoice credit to rent, outstanding invoices or refund to a tenant in this 3 minute video. Note: These instructions do not include enhancements made to this f...