Updated Articles

  1. Accessing Unallocated Funds in STRATA Master

    Accessing Unallocated Funds in STRATA Master Overview What are unallocated funds?   When funds are receipted in STRATA Master for a lot and there are no fees against which to allocate the funds these are known as unallocated. The system assu...
  2.  Strata Master Top Tip #105 - Charging your time as a management fee

    Easily record time spent on tasks using Strata Master Time Charging in the Owners Corporation Diary! Learn how to setup and charge in the video above! ...
  3. Some Agenda Motions Not Showing in Meeting Minutes in Strata Master

    Some Agenda Motions Not Showing in Meeting Minutes in Strata Master This article will assist you if you have Agenda Motions listed in the Agenda that was issued to the stakeholders, however when accessing the Minutes some Motions are not showing. ...
  4. List of Excluded Lots and Payment Plans in Strata Master

    List of Excluded Lots and Payment Plans in Strata Master It is possible to exclude a Plan, or Lots from Debt Recovery, and to also note some Plans as being on an arranged payment plan.  Once on a payment plan, the Lot is also Excluded form Deb...
  5. Duplicate CRN message in Creditors BPay in Strata Master

    Duplicate CRN message in Creditors BPay in Strata Master When processing creditor invoices, you may receive a message that the CRN you are entering is already recorded, or a duplicate. Where are CRN's recorded? In the Contact card for each cr...
  6. How to install REST Messenger - YesBookIt and MyDesktop

    How to Install REST Messenger - YesBookIt and MyDesktop This guide is designed to be carried out by a customer’s IT Provider Overview REST Messenger is used to facilitate the connection between a REST Database and 3rd party providers ...
  7. How to Create or Enter a Journal - Strata Master

    How to Create or Enter a Journal in Strata Master Strata Master is an Accrual double entry accounting platform, therefore it is important to understand Accounting Basics to process any type of journal. Journals DO NOT affect Owner Ledgers. We re...
  8. Cannot Backup in Strata Master

    Cannot Backup in Strata Master This article is designed to assist you when you already know how to backup your data, however the normal process is not working. Backups are very important and recommended that there be at least one backup run each d...
  9. Cheque Presented At Bank for a Different Amount Than in Strata Master

    Cheque Presented At Bank for a Different Amount Than in Strata Master This article will assist you when you find a cheque listed on the Bank Statement for a different amount to the recorded amount in Strata Master. Causes of Differing Amounts Che...
  10. SMS Credentials Error in Strata Master

    SMS Credentials Error in Strata Master This error will appear when a new user tries to send an SMS message without being configured in Strata Master Configure > Third Party Services > Rockend SMS Online. This error can also appear if a curre...