New Articles

  1. Lot Owner Not Showing on Debt Recovery List

    Lot Owner Not Showing on Debt Recovery List When you are endeavouring to produce a debt recovery notice for an owner, and that owner is not appearing on the list for Stage 1, Stage 2 or Stage 3 as expected, this article will assist you to check the...
  2. Cancelling a Levy Discount Receipt on a Strata Master ledger

    Cancelling a Levy Discount Receipt on a Strata Master ledger When a discount is allowed on a levy receipt, and that receipt is later cancelled, the discount given is not cancelled.  The discount needs to be reversed manually through other mean...
  3. Printer Test Strata Master

    Printer Test Strata Master This article will assist identify a printer in Windows Printer Settings and Devices which is causing errors and issues with printing, previewing and more. The printer that causes the issue may not even be elected in Stra...
  4. Changing Management Fee for All Plans in Strata Master

    Changing Management Fee for All Plans in Strata Master This article will assist you to change a Management Fee to All Strata Plans in your portfolio, in one Global Change. This is so much simpler than changing each Plan one by one. An example is w...
  5. Invoicing for a Status Certificate in Strata Master

    Invoicing for a Status Certificate in Strata Master A status Certificate is often referred to as a 'Section Certificate' and is related to the Association types in Configure > Association Types. These are provided to external parties by...
  6. Payments by Quick Pay Strata Master

    Payments by Quick Pay Strata Master This article will assist you to understand when to use Quick Pay, process payments through Quick Pay, along with some information that will assist you to use Quick Pay so as to not create errors in reports. How ...
  7. How to Setup Web Advertising from Rest to

    How to Setup Web Advertising from Rest Professional to Overview As you have previously been manually uploading to this site, requires unique ID numbers to be set against each of the properties that have ...
  8. Submeter Invoicing Did Not Complete

    Submeter Invoicing Did Not Complete This article will assist you to either complete the process or reset the meter and reprocess the invoice.  As it is not possible to cover every circumstance, please log a case with Strata Master Support if ...
  9. Invoicing Submeters in Strata Master

    Invoicing Submeters in Strata Master This article covers the process of invoicing for a utility invoice, paid by the Owners Corporation/Plan that needs to be split between various Lots within a Plan. The Lot Owners pay their submeter invoice and th...
  10. Set Up Submetering in Strata Master

    Set Up Submetering in Strata Master This article will assist you to set up Submetering for your Strata Plans in providing the steps involved. It is particularly helpful to those who have not used submetering for some time and just need a reminder. ...