New Articles

  1. Adding an Agent or Building Manager in Strata Master

    Adding an Agent or Building Manager in Strata Master The agent contact list is accessed when adding a new owner who has an agency managing their property, or when an owner occupier decides to rent their Lot. This article will show you how to - c...
  2. Merging Duplicate Owner Cards Strata

    Merging Duplicate Owner Cards Strata Master When Lot Owners have more than one Lot, they may be linked to One Owner Card. This allows contact details to be updated on more than one Lot in one process. Although at times a Lot Owner may wish to have...
  3. Steps to Reversing Creditor Payments Strata Master

    Steps to Reversing Creditor Payments Strata Master This article will provide steps to reversing creditor payments, BPay files, ABA/Direct Entry files, Management fees and cheques in brief. What is the Payment Status Now, in other words, Where Is I...
  4. Bing Mailroom Printing Strata

    Bing Mailroom Printing in Strata Master Bing Mailroom is a Third Party Application and is not integrated with Strata Master. MRI Support is unable to support issues with Mailroom printing except for some minor checks. How Does Mailroom Work? Mail...
  5. Lot Owner With Overdue Invoice Doesn't Show in Debt Recovery in Strata Master

    Lot Owner With Overdue Invoice Doesn't Show in Debt Recovery in Strata Master Note this issue is amended in Version 14.5 so first section applies to version 14.0.2 and below, with a reference to required setting for versions 14.5 and above. Su...
  6. Understanding Double Entry Accounting

    Understanding Double Entry Accounting Strata Master is a double entry accounting platform. Therefore it creates Balance Sheets and Income & Expenditure reports and other financial reports. This article will assist the recall of those with som...
  7. File Smart PrintMail - Send emails using Microsoft Office365 (SMTP)

    File Smart PrintMail - Sending emails using Microsoft Office365 (SMTP) This document is designed to be used by either your IT Provider or an IT savvy user. If you are currently using Microsoft Office 365 to send emails through PrintMail, you may...
  8. How to Create or Enter a Journal - Strata Master

    How to Create or Enter a Journal in Strata Master Strata Master is an Accrual double entry accounting platform, therefore it is important to understand Accounting Basics to process any type of journal. Journals DO NOT affect Owner Ledgers. We re...
  9. Import and Export Static Data - Importing New Plan

    Import and Export Static Data - Importing New Plan STRATA Master has the facility to be able to create an export file of the static data that can be given to another managing agent that is a STRATA Master user. Similarly, the Import function allow...
  10. How To Tick Off Transactions - Bank Reconciliation

    How To Tick Off Transactions - Bank Reconciliation Strata In this age of paperless transactions and monitor screens, it is difficult to accurately tick off transactions when a bank reconciliation does not balance. Ticking off transactions is also ...