Updated Articles

  1. Strata Master Version 12.0.4 Release Notes

    Feature Summary Levy Interest Rate Changes Strata Master Version 12.0.4 delivers several enhancements to the way in which Levy Interest is both recorded and calculated in Strata Master. Previously in Strata Master, only one rate of Levy Inter...
  2. Levy Interest Rate Update - WA Clients

    Levy Interest Rate Update Version 12.0.4 - WA Customers As part of the upgrade to version 12.0.4, Strata Master now has the ability to adjust historical interest rates at designated dates.  Western Australia customers will require specific in...
  3. Levy Interest Rate Guide

    Levy Interest Rate Guide Several enhancements have been made to the way in which Levy Interest is both recorded and calculated in Strata Master. Recording Levy Interest Previously in Strata Master, only one rate of Levy Interest was able to be ...
  4. How to Setup a Commercial Tenancy in Rest Professional

    How to Setup a Commercial Tenancy in Rest Professional Overview You have the ability to setup a commercial tenancy in Rest Professional. This will give you the option to charge GST on the rent and/or outgoings. This document will cover: Set...
  5. How to Refund Overpaid GST to Commercial Tenant in REST Professional

    How to Refund Overpaid GST to Commercial Tenant Overview You may have a tenant that has paid GST on rent/out-goings when the owner was not registered for GST, and as a result the overpaid GST will need to be credited back to the tenant. This d...
  6. GST Inclusive Rent for Commercial Tenants

    GST Inclusive Rent for Commercial Tenants REST Professional version 10.5 introduced the ability to enter commercial tenants’ rent amounts as GST inclusive. Previously commercial rent could only be entered as GST exclusive and REST would calc...
  7. Owner Withhold Funds Bulk Entry

    Owner Withhold Funds Bulk Entry REST Professional version 10.5 introduced the ability to withhold funds from Owners in bulk. The Owner Withhold Funds screen allows you to edit existing owners’ withhold amounts and add new owners, saving ...
  8. How to Setup Split Invoicing in REST Professional

    How to Setup Split Invoicing in REST Professional Overview Split Invoicing creates and prints the tenant invoices for services such as water rates, council rates, air conditioning etc. based on the percentage use of the tenants in a building. ...
  9. How to Attach a Strata Plan to a Property in REST Professional

    How to Attach a Strata Plan to a Property in REST Professional Overview If you manage properties which form part of a strata plan, you can setup a strata plan which will enable you to record the strata plan contact details for properties and ...
  10. How to Rectify Incorrectly Charged Postage and Sundries in REST Professional

    How to Rectify Incorrectly Charged Postage and Sundries Overview Due to the Owner Cheques/Fees/Split Payments step being done incorrectly at end of month you may find that the postage and sundries fees have been charged incorrectly and needs t...