Updated Articles

  1. How to Receipt a Bond Claim in Rest Professional

    How to Receipt a Bond Claim in Rest Professional Overview Once a tenant has vacated the premises and the bond monies have been released from the Bond Board, you may be required to receipt these bond monies back into Rest Professional from the Bond...
  2. Setup and Update Income and Expenditure Fees in REST Professional - Australia

    Setup and Update Income and Expenditure Fees in REST Professional - Australia Overview Your owner Income and Expenditure fees can be setup up globally for all owners or for all owners currently being charged a specific amount.  The fee can ...
  3. Purging Maintenance Requests Prior to Migrating to Property Tree

    Purging Maintenance Requests Prior to Migrating to Property Tree Any maintenance requests that are not completed or rejected will migrate from your Rest Professional data base into your new Property Tree account. This includes all work orders that ...
  4. Strata Master Version 12.0.3 Release Notes - WA Legislation Update

    Strata Master Version 12.0.3 Release Notes Feature Summary Strata Master Version 12.0.3 provides updates for our agencies in WA due to the changes in the Strata Legislation. Template Update The amendments to the Strata Titles Act 1985 ha...
  5. How to Process Centrelink Payments in REST Professional

    How to Process Centrelink Payments in REST Professional Overview There will be instances when the Australian Government body Centrelink will directly deposit monies into your Trust Account on behalf of one of your tenants. As part of this service...
  6. The Management Fees Collected Report in REST Professional

    The Management Fees Collected Report Overview This report produces a list of properties and the fees and taxes taken in the chosen month, showing these figures exclusive of GST. It may be run for all managers, a particular manager or class of prop...
  7. Interest Rate Changes - WA Legislation Update 1 May 2020

    Interest Rate Changes As part of the Legislation update for Western Australia on 1 May 2020, the Maximum Interest Rate applicable to Owners Corporation's has been set at 11% (reduced from 15%). For further information on these legislation chan...
  8. How to Add a New Owner Card in REST Professional

    How to Add a New Owner Card in REST Professional Overview This document will take you through the steps to create a new Owner Masterfile. From the owner card you can enquire on owners details and balances including owner payout balances, access t...
  9. How to Manually Adjust a Tenant Ledger

    How to Manually Adjust a Tenant Ledger This document relates to Rest Professional Databases on Inclusive dates only.   How do I know if my system is on inclusive or exclusive dates? Open a tenant Master File: Files > Tenant, insert Alpha...
  10. South Australia Water Usage Metering

    South Australia Water Usage Metering Overview The water authority in South Australia is SA Water. They are the only water authority for the state. SA Water increases their rates every financial year. In general you would not change the charges...